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author & Artist biographies

AliahMartinez is a senior majoring in mathematics and minoring in fine art. When she’s not calculating numbers and studying formulas, she’s expressing her inner-self with a paintbrush. Aliah’s pointillism piece, CountYourStars, aims to show appreciation towards all that the universe has to offer.

PeytonBellis a sophomore English major with a philosophy minor. She enjoys reading Jane Austen, collecting vinyls, and drinking tea with friends. Peyton shares her poetry through her Instagram account, @peytonthepoet, and recently published her first book of poems, entitled APlaceSuchasThis, on Amazon.


AnnaMarieFrese is a sophomore majoring in interior design and minoring in fine art. She enjoys jewelry making, ceramics, and drawing occasionally. When she is not busy with schoolwork, she can be found reading, baking, in the ceramics studio, or creating practical artwork for her small business.

SandraRoseHughes(NeeBennett,'05) is a stay-at-home mom to four children and one cat. When she's not rinsing cloth diapers or baking sourdough bread, she is writing poetry and middle grade fantasy fiction. She recently published a poetry collection called, WhyFaeries Bite, and designed and edited Habitations, Volume 1. Follow her on Instagram @sandarosehughes.

KaciRigneyholds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Vocal Music from California Baptist College (now University). She has enjoyed a lifetime of singing, songwriting, and poetry. Kaci has published poetry in California'sBestEmergingPoets2020, Z Publishing, and online magazines like TheDazedStarling:Unbound 2022, AgapeReview, and KosmeoMagazine, February and March of 2023. Kaci self-published four illustrated poetry e-books: Christmas&EasterLikeThat, and ALove Trio:ChasingLove,FindingLove,and LosingLove which may be found on her website www.kacirigney.com. She is an aspiring novelist and an avid photographer. Kaci’s life is devoted to Christ Jesus, her husband Kevin, her daughters, Katie and Kolleen, and her many grandchildren.

NatalieTanaka is a freshman majoring in communication studies and minoring in photography. She loves taking pictures of anything that catches her eye, especially nature. Besides photography, she enjoys writing, cooking, baking, and anything Star Wars.

DianaMejia is a senior in pre-nursing and is currently getting a minor in early childhood development and illustration. She tends to draw digitally mostly using Procreate or Clip Studio, but she also dabbles in traditional mediums like watercolors and drawing with fountain pens. She loves musicals, embroidery, and cute stationary as well as spending time with her dog, Scooter.

JenniferTronti has been teaching composition, literature, and creative writing at California Baptist University for well over 20 years. She’s currently weeping and wailing her way through a project on tears as a mythopoetic mode of storytelling. She has recently published an article examining the graphic novel through the lens of ritual theory. When she is not teaching, writing, or crying, she’s laughing with family, watching movies, reading good books, and making joyful noises for Jesus.

RachelPerrington is a junior in high school looking into California Baptist University's programs and classes. Her favorite type of poems are ones that people can connect with, which was the goal of her poem. When she is not writing, she loves playing the piano and spending time at California beaches.

GretchenBartels-Ray is a Professor of English at California Baptist University and lives and writes in San Diego, California. Her poetry has appeared in Sojourners,TheEkphrasticReview, KAIROSLiterary Magazine, VoicesdelaLuna, and Inlandia. Her flash fiction has also been published at EveryDayFiction. When she's not teaching or writing, she's exploring the zoo with her husband and toddler.

EmmeBuhlis a senior majoring in English and will graduate this semester. She enjoys creating art and writing. Her favorite genre to write is science fiction and magical realism. When she is not writing, she is either crocheting, drinking (black) coffee, or hanging out with friends.

IsaacEscalerais an adjunct instructor at CBU. He enjoys long walks on short beaches. That second part is a lie, but he did go to Cal State San Bernardino where he received his BA in Creative Writing of Fiction and his MFA in Creative Writing of Poetry. He is a humble trophy husband to his beautiful and talented wife, and father to two adorable children. His fiction and poetry have appeared in the various literary journals and projects including Badlands,ThePacific Review, theSandCanyonReview, Shuff, TheSecretHandshake, The RedlandsReview, TheChaffeyReview, and others he has probably forgotten. In his free time, he enjoys working the phrase “You know I heard in this one podcast…” into as many conversations as possible, serving on his church's worship team with his wife and discussing biblical symbolism in The Mandalorian.

OliviaMcKee is a sophomore majoring in English. She greatly enjoys reading all works of historical fiction and recreating stories classified as such. Her fascination with real-life application to storytelling is what prompted this specific story, which rose organically from her observation of nature. When she is not reading or writing, she is working as a barista, going on random adventures, and playing board games with friends.

KatharynGrace is a junior majoring in biomedical sciences and minoring in creative writing. She owes her passion for writing to her mom and grandparents who always encouraged her to be curious and constantly pursue learning. She finds that writing, particularly poems, has been an outlet to explore emotions. She also enjoys incorporating scientific or technical topics into her poetry to bring the two fields of study together.

AbigailLopez is an undergrad English major with a concentration in creative writing. She was inspired to write the poem "Dandelions" because it is the flower of military children, which is her background. She likes to spend time with friends and make art when not searching for inspiration from the world around her.

EmilyMcGinn is a senior majoring in journalism with a double minor in environmental science and political science. When she is not working on The Banner newspaper as editor-in-chief, she enjoys writing poetry in her journal, drinking (a lot) of coffee, spending time outdoors, working out, and reading.

EmmaTotaro is a junior majoring in creative writing and minoring in Christian studies. She enjoys writing sci-fi and fantasy stories, as well as dabbling in poetry. When she is not writing, she loves reading, baking, making music, and spending time in nature.

KaylieGarcia is a freshman majoring in graphic design and minoring in American Sign Language. She loves creating posters, logos, and cover art for books. She also enjoys learning more about the deaf community and raising awareness by using her design skills. In her free time, when she is not designing, Kaylie takes delight in cuddling with her kitty, baking, hanging out with friends, and going on family outings for a fun day somewhere. She hopes to use her gifts to always honor God and to use her creativity to further his kingdom.