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Flat Track Season Kicks Off for RIG Team

The2023 flat track season has just begun in New Mexico with roadracing just around the corner. As we prepare our bikes for this season, it’s important for us to remember the things we learned from last season. Reflecting back on that October 15th and the last lap spun, the final checkered flag waved and the last flat track bike had been loaded and we headed home for the winter. We are always met with mixed feelings - mixed with pride and sadness, much like the highs and lows that often come with racing flat track.


Last season was our second full season racing flat track. We cannot begin to explain how quickly everything you thought you knew about riding and racing motorcycles changes the minute your rear wheel starts to spin sideways. After that double header has concluded, we shake hands and congratulate each other and our fellow racers for another successful season. We try to soak in the moment and really take a mental picture of all the splendor before loading up the bikes and heading home. One of the biggest things we learned from last flat track season was to prep our bikes at least a month ahead of time, and not the week or night before. Mainly, because there is always a failure of one component or another that manages to happen during the practice round. In addition to working out any electrical or fuel issues, the added prep time really helps to make improvements to the bike, and in turn decreases our lap time and increases our comfort level on the bike.

For the Rust is Gold Racing team there is a two-fold approach to preparing for the race season, whether it is flat track or road racing, those being the obvious mechanical side and the lesser considered physical side. The Steve Maes approach tends to lean more to the mechanical side, with attention paid to the fuel system specifically, and not enough preparation to the physical and strength training side, leaving him winded and exhausted by the end of the race. Thaison Garcia, by contrast, tends to focus on the physical and strength training aspect, with yoga and dieting, while parts of his race bike are more frequently coming off mid-race. However, this year both are taking both aspects of preparation more seriously.

As this season progresses both riders plan on becoming more fluid and quicker on the track, while soaking up as much knowledge along the way. However, realizing that in the process of growing the race team and running a coffee shop, the most important thing to remember is not to take the sport too seriously, that inturn will one more comfortable.The enjoyment for both Steve and Thaison, is in the camaraderie and friendships made at the local Albuquerque racetrack.

Our Albuquerque flat track schedule runs like clockwork from April 22nd until October 15th with two races each month with the exception of August that has three (Don’t ask us why). During the last race in October the track hosts a double header event on October 14th and 15th. For anyone interested in seeing what flat track is all about or walking the pit and hanging out with the RIG Racing team you should visit racesandia.com and register online for a pit pass.