2 minute read

Governor Newsom Signs Law to Increase Gas Taxes – Again!

Leader Jones. “His reckless proposal allows unelected bureaucrats to intervene in the free market and jack up gas prices for those who can least afford it. Californians already pay the highest gas prices in the nation and they aren’t fooled by the governor’s smoke and mirrors. When the Legislature said “NO” to his original proposal, the Governor held closeddoor meetings and cut Californians out of the conversation. I opposed this bill not because I’m protecting the companies, but because my constituents were cut out of the conversation on a rushed law and this bill is going to lead to higher gas prices for all Californians.”

California Senate and Assembly Democrats jammed through the governor’s proposal as SBX1-2, which allows the California Energy Commission, conveniently appointed by the governor, to decide fines on gasoline companies. This measure will ultimately impact supply and demand and create a ripple effect that creates higher prices at the pump, just as gas prices are approaching $5 per gallon in California. Leader Jones spoke in opposition to the measure on the Senate Floor last week.


Gas prices in California will rise again.

Senate Minority Leader Brian W. Jones (R-San Diego) slammed Governor Newsom for signing into law Senate Bill X1-2, his measure that allows unelected bureaucrats to raise gas taxes.

“It’s unbelievable that Governor Newsom wants to spend $10 million to raise gas taxes in the midst of a $22.5 billion budget deficit,”said

Leader Jones offered an alternative approach to actually lower gas prices. Instead of raising gas taxes as the governor seeks to do, Leader Jones introduced Senate Bill X1-1 and Senate Bill 32, which suspends the state’s gas taxes and fees, resulting in an immediate price cut of $1 per gallon. SBX1-1 was dismissed on the Senate Floor by California Senate Democrats without even a debate. SB 32 has been double referred to first the Senate Environmental Quality Committee and then to the Senate Governance and Finance Committee. SB 32 is set for hearing on April 19, 2023 in the Senate Environmental Quality Committee.

Old Town San Diego Chamber of Commerce Holds Meeting with Governmental Agencies

This past month, the Old Town San Diego Safe and Clean Committee, that has representation by members of the Old Town San Diego Chamber of Commerce, held a meeting which was extremely well attended. Representatives from numerous governmental agencies, including the City and County Parks and Recreation Departments, the San Diego Police Department, the Mayor’s office, Caltrans, San Diego Metro Transit System, County of San Diego Health and Human Services, and residents and business owners from the community. The meeting took place at the Mormon Battalion Museum, located at 2510 Juan Street in Old Town San Diego.

Each department was given an opportunity to speak about their roles in assisting with different topics, including the homeless encampments and dangerous individuals who have been frequenting establishments and parks in the area. Ongoing issues with street vendors who are creating challenges for pedestrians on the sidewalks and impeding foot traffic for brick-and-mortar businesses. Homeless encampments in and around Presidio Park that have created a significant increase in fires during 2022 (100 percent increase from 2021). Graffiti abatement and management to eliminate an unfriendly environment for visitors, businesses, and residents. Abandoned shopping carts and holding locations for their removal; and recent communication with businesses that offer them to customers.

In addition to speaking on their roles with the topics above, the individuals representing these various governmental agencies accepted questions and comments from members of the audience. Due to subject matter and personal experiences, business owners and residents shared serious concern for delays in action taken and getting results, especially in emergency situations.

Officer David Surwillo, who spoke on behalf of the San Diego Police Department, offered his responses on delays due to staffing shortages, and reminded members of the audience to use the Get It Done ap on non-emergency matters, including graffiti, abandoned shopping carts, homeless encampments, and street vendors.