3 minute read



In my experience with teaching Sunday school for the last 18 years, I’ve found Bible-in-Life to be the most well-rounded curriculum available. It gives you more than one option to use, so that you have a choice of which best fits your particular class.


Bible-in-Life is by far the most user-friendly curriculum! My teachers find it to be the simplest to follow, and they are extremely pleased.

Our early childhood and elementary classes love Bible-in-Life curriculum. I keep hearing compliments on the Bible content, ease of use, the colorful resources, and the learning responses from the children. In addition, our parents are commenting on and using the take-home resources.



1. Getting Ready for the Bible helps children connect their own experience with the Bible story.

2. Bible Story Time shows children what the Bible says.

3. The Bible and Me allows children to explore activity centers that will help them understand that Jesus knows who they are.

4. Going Home with the Bible helps children remember that Jesus knows who they are. They will see how the Bible story works in their own lives.


1. Bible Readiness helps children get ready to learn that God wants them to know about Him.

2. Bible Story uses the Bible and Bible Beginnings as kids discover what God’s Word says to them.

3. Bible Activity Choices allows children to review and explore the Bible lesson.

4. Bible Response helps children apply the story they learned in their daily lives.


1. Bible Readiness connects children’s life experiences with the Bible story of Creation.

2. Bible Study uses the Bible and Bible Discoveries as kids explore God’s Word together.

3. Bible Activity Choices allows children to review and explore the Bible lesson.

4. Bible Response helps children apply the story they learned in their daily lives.


1. Connecting with God’s Word helps students relate the Bible study to their own experience.

2. Studying God’s Word uses the Bible and Bible Adventures as kids see God’s truth in His Word.

3. Interacting with God’s Word will allow students to practice the lesson they’ve been studying by exploring God’s creative power.

4. Applying God’s Word helps students take the lesson into their everyday lives

See what is happening in each step and what supplies are needed.

The single idea taught in the lesson that can always be applied to life.

Kids introduce each of the three quarterly themes through liveaction video.

Then they remind students of that theme at the end of the lesson, including some questions to ponder.

Just for teachers—Added Bible information for context, a devotional to help you spiritually prepare.

Simple activities for kids to do while you greet parents and welcome students.

Asking questions helps engage kids in conversations.

Students connect their own experiences to the Bible story.

For easy reference, look for these reductions and match up with the resources you need.


Through sharing answers to questions and doing an activity, kids remember the Bible story.

Kids explore the Bible story and Lesson Focus through a variety of activities that engage many learning styles.

Make it your own —Choose one or more activity options that best fit your class.

Throughout the lesson look for the bolded words. They are scripts for you to say or adapt.

Not only do kids learn about the Bible; they grow in their relationship with God. Use this as an opportunity to challenge your kids to see God throughout the week.

A chance for kids to take what they’ve learned out of the classroom and into their lives.

Kaden’s Big Sister

Chloe pushed Kaden on the swing. When he fell, she helped him up. She tied his shoes. When he jumped in a puddle, Chloe cleaned the mud off Kaden’s shoes.

“Why does Chloe have to go with me to the park?” asked Kaden. “Chloe is older. She can watch you,” said Dad. Mom hugged Kaden. “We love you. We want you to be safe,” she said.

Chloe and Kaden walked to the park. Kaden saw a squirrel and ran after it.

At home, Dad asked, “Did you have fun?” “Yes,” Kaden said. “I followed a squirrel. We ran to the park. I played on the rings.

Chloe pushed me on the swings. I jumped in a mud puddle. Chloe helped me all the time. I’m glad she’s my sister.” Chloe was glad Kaden was part of her family, too.

Talk together about how Moses’ family cared for him when he was a baby. How did Kaden’s big sister Chloe care for him at the park? Discuss who is in your family and how you can help the people in your family. Thank God this week for each family member and how your family cares for each other.

Talk Time WHAT

I LEARNED ABOUT GOD: God wants people in families to care for one another.

He climbed a fence to see better. His shirt got caught. “Help! I cannot get down,” he cried.

Chloe helped. Kaden said, “Thanks!” He jumped down and ran ahead.

“See how fast I can run!” he said. Chloe ran with Kaden all the way to the park. Then Kaden started to swing across the rings. “Look at me,” he yelled. “Help! I’m falling.” Kaden shouted. Chloe helped Kaden finish the rings.