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centre gender gap

Data centres are by no means the only tech sector that is suffering from an evident gendered talent gap. But, thanks to the growing network of pioneering role models, we’re starting to see this industry-old divide diminishing

According to a recent Uptime Institute survey, over 75% of data centre operators said that their workforce consists of a maximum of 10% women.


In fact, almost a quarter of those surveyed revealed that they don’t have any women in their design, build, or operations teams.

Across the board, technology is a sector that has long struggled with its diversity standards.

But, with the growing presence of female mentors and inspiring role models, there are finally signs of a shift in the data centre talent pool.

So, it is with no small amount of personal pride that, in this month’s Data Centre Magazine, we shed a spotlight on the Top 10 women in data centres for 2023.

This issue, we have showcased the new ground that they are breaking in the industry – not just in terms of their remarkable individual achievements, but the torches that they are bearing for all women establishing themselves in this field.