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Meet the members

Zuzana Youster

Next Issue: Dan Youster


When and why/how did you start orienteering?

It has always been my family’s sport. When I was still in a pushchair my mum would take me orienteering. When I was about four years old, I started to go on courses with my older sister, and then eventually began running them solo.

Where’s your favourite area to go orienteering?

Kokorinsko in the Central Bohemia region of Czech Republic known for its impressive sandstone rock formations which provide especially challenging and beautiful environments for orienteering.

What’s a funny/embarrassing moment from an event?

When I was younger (and it was still common prepandemic) I would often have to sleep in a large hall or gymnasium with other participants during a multi-day event. It wasn’t easy getting to sleep with all the snoring, and don’t get me started on the shared toilet & shower facilities!

Do you have any hobbies or do any other sports?

I enjoy canoeing, cross-country and down-hill skiing, ice skating and ballroom dancing. Unfortunately, opportunities to pursue most of these are limited since I moved to the UK. I also enjoy Geocaching, day hiking and swimming.

What advice would you give to a newcomer?

Start with easier and shorter courses and then work your way up. Don’t panic if you think you might be lost and don’t be embarrassed to ask for help. Stop and think, look at your map and compass and use significant details in the environment to help locate yourself on the map. Always keep your thumb on your location on the map and move your thumb as you progress through the course.

What’s your biggest achievement/ proudest moment?

Winning the silver medal on green in the Kent Orienteering League last year was a big achievement, and came as quite a surprise!

My proudest moments were when I was on a particularly difficult course, e.g. the sandstone rock areas of Czech Republic, there were multiple times where I came close to giving up, but I would persevere and complete the course. It always felt good to overcome my weaknesses.

Oh and finally persuading Dan to start orienteering felt like quite an achievement too!

What DFOK member would you like to see interviewed next?

My Husband, Dan Youster