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Meet the members David Dawson

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When and why/how did you start orienteering?


In 1993 after about 3 years going running to get some exercise as my children were getting older. After one muddy run in the rain, I found a map of the POC at Crystal Palace Park. I tried it out and soon joined Croydon Orienteering Club (CROC).

Where’s your favourite area to go orienteering?

I have not done many events outside the SE in recent years and never done well enough to really have a favourite. In the SE it is perhaps Long Valley, which is largely open with a variety of terrain.

What is your first (and/or favourite) event that you planned?

The very first event I planned was part of the CROC O-Fest in 1995 at Croham Hurst. This had 2 courses in 4 different areas on the same morning. The next year we used 8 areas, with some people going to them all.

After working with planners at other “Badge” events (now Level B), I planned one at Long valley in 1999. Since CROC merged with DFOK in 2007, I have planned a Level B event almost every 2 years. Since 2017, I have been a controller, which uses many of the skills needed by a planner.

What advice would you give to a newcomer?

Get stuck in and enjoy yourself.

What is the biggest challenge you have faced whilst planning or organising?

At the recent Chelwood event the challenge was keeping up with the fenced animal enclosures. These were relocated at short notice, including fencing off a strip in the middle of the map one month before the event. Purple pen is a fantastic tool making the job so much easier than when it was done with paper photocopies.

If you are a risk taker, then learn from your mistakes. This may best suit a runner who can afford errors. For the slower and more cautious, then stick with the shorter courses and move on as you gain confidence. When I started: I ran green on my third event and brown on my fifth.

What’s your biggest achievement/ proudest moment?

I have won the green course a few times when “running down”. My best achievement is to put back something back into the sport by helping with events and committee work. All this being necessary for the club and the sport to happen.

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