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More non-UCs extend online instruction beyond January 18

Friday, January 07, 2022

We have been noting the trend at other UC campuses to extend their online instruction periods beyond January 18. And we have noted other non-UCs doing the same. Here are more non-UCs from Inside Higher Ed:Carnegie Mellon, U of Texas, U of Rochester Move Online January 7, 2022


More colleges and universities have announced that they are moving most or all of their classes online to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Carnegie Mellon University announced that the first two weeks of most campus courses, which start Jan. 18, would be remote.

The University of Texas at Austin announced, “We are asking faculty members to teach remotely for the first two weeks of the semester, with a target date of January 31 to return to the originally assigned teaching modality. Some may choose to teach in person, while also providing online delivery between January 18 and January 28.” The University of Rochester announced that all classes in January (except those in the nursing or medical schools) would be taught remotely.

Source: https://www.insidehighered.com/quicktakes/2022/01/07/carnegie-mellon-u-texasu-rochester-move-online .