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After School Staff Bios

Spring 2023

Evan Thomas (The Dribbl Program)

Evan is in his 4th year working at The Dalton School. He has had multiple roles in School, After School Program, and with the PE Department. These positions include Learning Supervisor, After School Coach and GAGA chaperone, and After School Teacher in programs such as Serendipity Sports, Play Lab and coaching for Dribbl.

Amanda Egan

Amanda is a professional dancer in New York City and graduate of the Ailey/Fordham BFA program where she received high honors. She is a current company member of CR dance, and Lydia Johnson Dance Company. She has performed works by Paul Taylor, Merce Cunningham, Alvin Ailey, Caitlin Javech, and Clifton Brown. In 2014, she was awarded the gold medal at the IDO World Tap Dance championships in Riesa, Germany. Amanda is thrilled to share her passion for dance with the students of the Dalton School.

Michael Eliran

Michael is a New York songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and teacher whose work is centered around using music as a uniquely powerful means of connection and expression. Through his work with people of all ages, he is consistently inspired by the ways music can bring people together, allow them to tell their stories, and create new ones. When he is not teaching, Michael records and performs with his band Dolly Spartans across the country.

Veronique Vickie Frémont

Veronique is an artist, designer, and anthropologist with dual background – Cameroonian mother and French father. She has lived between two different cultures and two worlds. She speaks several languages. She has traveled widely, and her formal education includes degrees in anthropology, language, teaching, as well as applied and fine arts. She has an abiding passion for the arts, culture, and music of Africa. For her entire career she has worked to improve her knowledge base as a teacher, artist, and designer. Her recent work deals with the environment, climate change, and global warming; although it’s a relatively new term for us, she has been recycling, reusing and recreating since she was a child. She attended the 20th United Nation Climate Change Conference (COP 20) in Lima (Peru), December 1-14, 2014. Since 2012 she has met women with whom she started projects (including the creation of a French school in Peru and the manufacture of bags from recycled saris in Sri Lanka).