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MuleSoft’s new API management capabilities

These API management capabilities are built directly on the AnyPoint Platform, MuleSoft’s platform for integration, API management, and automation. This combination transforms MuleSoft’s platform into a more open, flexible, and scalable solution so that businesses can create high-quality digital experiences with additional speed.

These universal API management capabilities on AnyPoint Platform can be used to design, build, deploy, operate, and discover all of an organization’s APIs from anywhere in one unified location. This serves the current working world, where teams are spread out and operating in hybrid environments.

Uno Platform 4.0 adds extensions

Uno Extensions is based on Microsoft Extensions, which are capabilities that Microsoft extracted from ASP.NET and made them available elsewhere. According to Uno, the idea behind Uno Extensions is that developers shouldn’t have to rewrite code for commonly used functions.

There are about 10 extensions currently available, and one of the main ones is Reactive (MVU-X), which allows for the different states that data can go through to be packaged and sent through a dedicated interface called a Feed. Navigation is another extension and it provides a paradigm for different types of navigation, including frame-based, modal, selecting a view item, pickers, returning data, and dynamically adding views to regions.

This release also introduces a preview of a new Visual Studio Code Plugin and Codespaces Integration, which offers benefits like XAML Code Completion, XAML Hot Reload, WebAssembly C# debugging, and more.

Uno Toolkit was also introduced in this release. Uno Toolkit is a set of multiplatform components that WinUI doesn’t offer out-of-the-box, such as NavigationBar, which is a cross-platform navigation solution, and TabBar, which is a primitive control that provides a list of selectable items.

IBM unveils 127-qubit quantum processor

IBM unveiled its breakthrough ‘Eagle” 127-Qubit Quantum Processor, which taps into the massive computing potential of devices based on quantum physics.

The company also previewed plans for IBM Quantum System Two, the next generation of quantum systems, which will integrate the concept of modularity into quantum computing to allow the hardware to be flexible enough to scale.

The new quantum processor was developed to contain more than 100 operational and connected qubits. It follows IBM’s 65-qubit ‘Hummingbird’ processor, which was revealed in 2020, as well as the 27-qubit ‘Falcon’ processor that IBM announced in 2019.

According to the company, the increased qubit count will enable users to explore problems at a new level of complexity when undertaking experiments and running applications. It can be used to optimize machine learning or modeling new molecules and materials that can be used in a number of scenarios, including discovery of new drugs and innovations in the energy industry.

Anaconda launched Embedded Partner Program

With this, organizations can embed Anaconda tools, packages, and repositories into their own products and services.

The launch of Anaconda’s Embedded Partner Program brings end users a seamless access experience. Regardless of whether Anaconda is embedded behind the scenes in order to power a company’s solution or made available directly to an organization’s users, the program provides a reliable and secure method to manage Python environments as well as enjoy the innovations of opensource development.

Anaconda chose to formally release the Embedded Partner Program now as enterprises want access to a supported open-source Python ecosystem for their users, products, and services without needing to worry about security, licensing requirements, or dependency management. This formal launch also comes on the heels of Anaconda’s recent influx of financing that included investments from Snowflake Ventures and Apertu Capital, an open-source investment firm.

Currently, members of the Embedded Partner Program include App Orchid, Guidewire, IBM, Microsoft, Schlumberger, Snowflake, and others. In joining Anaconda’s Embedded Partner Program, members also gain support and services, including SLAs for requests, on top of Anaconda’s core offerings.

With the Embedded Partner Program, partners have the power to choose how to experience Anaconda. Users can choose to embed Anaconda within their backend systems, allow their customers to create managed Python environments, or provide access to Anaconda’s repository of Python or R Conda packages.

JetBrains previews new polyglot editor Fleet

JetBrains has unveiled a preview of its new lightweight IDE, Fleet. The new IDE is built to be simple and smart so that developers can get started with it without too much additional configuration required.

Fleet is a polyglot editor, meaning that it can be used as a single IDE for all languages, rather than making developers open a different IDE for each language they use. It currently supports Java, Kotlin, Go, Python, Rust, and JavaScript. The company plans to extend support to cover PHP, C++ , C#,

and HTML, which are the remaining languages that have IntelliJ IDEs.

For simple tasks, Fleet can be up and ready within a second, and for larger tasks, developers can launch Fleet’s full-on environment to gain access to the IntelliJ codeprocessing engine for code completion, navigation to definitions and usages, refactorings, on-the-fly code quality checks, and quick fixes.

In addition, Fleet offers a collaborative environment so that developers can work together. Collaborators can be invited to work together, edit and debug code, and perform code reviews. It supports a number of remote work scenarios and can be run locally on the developer’s computer, in the cloud, or on a remote server.

JetBrains Compose Multiplatform reaches 1.0 release

Users can now create Kotlin apps on desktop and can build production-quality dynamic web experiences using Compose for Web’s stable DOM API with full interoperability with all browser APIs on the web.

Since Compose Multiplatform is declarative, the code reflects the UI structure of the app so that users don’t have to worry about copying data from model to view or developing UI refreshing logic.

It also offers short iteration cycles via the Preview Tool that allows users to finetune their components/parts of the UI, and create multiple iterations of them without having to rebuild or restart the application, shortening the development cycle.

Beyond the desktop, Compose Multiplatform gives users a powerful, declarative Kotlin/JS API for working with the DOM.

Perforce improves security with Secure Code integration

Perforce Software announced new functionality to speed the remediation of discovered defects in automated scans.

This is delivered through integration with Secure Code Warrior (SCW), in which Klocwork customers can instantly connect to resources that explain how to mitigate vulnerabilities.

By connecting the relevant SCW learning resources to the security vulnerabilities as they are detected by SAST tools, Klocwork and the Secure Code Warrior learning platform can empower developers to remediate errors quickly and continuously enhance their skillset.

“Developers need a simplified, seamless way to gain access to the necessary software security training while also maintaining code development velocity. With this integration, we’ve made it easy for development teams to learn as they go, at the relevant time and via the relevant interface, ” said Eran Kinsbruner, DevOps evangelist at Perforce. “The knowledge they gain allows developers to work smarter and faster to move projects forward. ”

WSO2 closed $90M in financing from Goldman Sachs

This influx of capital will be used to accelerate WSO2’s worldwide business expansion, drive growth of the company’s global partner network, and support the rollout of its next-generation cloud-native solutions for securely delivering APIs, applications and digital services.

These new solutions, powered by Ballerina, will offer users a choice to code or use low code in order to deliver DevOps and modern SDLC practices, including integrated reuse, within and beyond the organization. WSO2 will use this Goldman Sachs funding to deliver a new generation of platform-as-a-service offerings that will help to democratize the adoption of its cloudnative technologies for API management, integration, and customer identity and access management (CIAM).

Additionally, WSO2 will invest a portion of the $90 million in extending the capabilities and community around Ballerina, an open-source language for building cloudnative applications. Users of WSO2’s initial commercial solution to utilize Ballerina, Choreo, can collaborate in creating new apps and digital services via code, low code, and no code, regardless of their skill level. z

People on the move

n Rebecca Rumbul has been appointed executive director and CEO of The Rust Foundation. She has extensive experience working in international nonprofit management and digital democracy and information rights. She previously served as director of research and engagement at mySociety, which works to bring transparency to government systems.

n Lakshmi Sharma has been named chief product officer at Fastly, where she will continue to lead work on products that enable companies to build modern applications and experiences. She has over 20 years of experience in engineering product development, most recently as director of product management for networking at Google Cloud. She has also held engineering leadership roles at Target, Cisco, and Juniper Networks.

n OpsRamp announced the addition of three new appointments to its executive team. Philippe Vincent joined as the new chief operating officer, Bill Talbot as the chief marketing officer, and Suresh Vobbilisetty as the vice president of engineering. According to OpsRamp, the company has grown significantly over the past few years and these new appointments will help the company to grow even further in 2022.

n Eric Tschetter has joined Imply as its newest field chief technology officer. Tschetter is one of the original authors of the Apache Druid project, and the other three authors are already in executive roles at the company. As field CTO, Tschetter will identify and develop new strategic avenues for providing value to the company’s customers. Previously he was a tech fellow at Splunk, distinguished engineer at Yahoo, vice president of engineering and lead architect at Metamarkets, and he worked with diabetes data nonprofit Tidepool.

Shubham A. Mishra, CEO and Co-Founder of Pyxis One

With all the news about protecting, and being transparent about consumer privacy, it only makes

sense for consumers to want more clarity on how their

data is being used. More information on what consumers are saying yes to when they click on the “I Agree” button of privacy policies is a huge potential story.

Jeff Ton, Strategic IT Advisor, Intervision The last 18 months have brought unprecedented

changes in businesses across the globe. Those who had adopted a digital transformation mindset excelled, those who didn’t, well, didn’t. We also saw an acceleration of cloud adoption as organizations realized one way to be agile and elastic was to move all or part of their tech assets to the cloud. Many organizations experienced new-found alignment between their technology teams and their line of business teams. This newfound alignment will translate into more organizations moving down the path of digital transformation. This will result in true transformation not just digitization of existing processes. ”

Jim Rose, CircleCI CEO More Code Failures Will Happen, Impacting The Software Delivery Supply Chain.

While organizations rush to meet the needs of an increasingly connected world, the modern tech stack will continue to grow in complexity. Code failures and software bugs will continue to rise, leading to an increase in security incidents, and downtime and outages, wreaking havoc on businesses. Recent incidents with SolarWinds and Facebook (aka Meta) are just small glimpses into the instability of the software delivery supply chain and next year we’ll continue to see code failures that have monumental effects.

George Shaw, CEO and founder, Pathr.ai Real-time human behavior analytics for physical locations is paramount for the future of retail.

Online vendors are able to understand the entire customer journey on their site. Brick and mortar companies are not able to easily track their customer’s journey in their store. With growing online sales and the climbing number of digital buyers, it is more important than ever that brick and mortar companies actively study buyer behavior to remain competitive, prevent fraud, and understand how their customers interact in physical spaces. Many companies already monitor their locations for security and safety reasons but are unable to leverage this data for anything else. Pathr.ai’s technology allows for companies to conduct real-time human behavior analytics in any physical location.

Rob Zuber, CircleCI CTO, Predictions The Great Resignation Will Become The Great

Reshuffle. 2021 was the year of The Great Resignation, but the dust isn’t settling just yet. Last year, many engineers and other software professionals were needing a new change of environment, and the pandemic was the catalyst for them to make the change. But some employees are going to realize their new gig isn’t quite the right fit.

Sri Viswanath, CTO, Atlassian Over the next 5 years, Web 3.0 will upend the way we think about application development.

Where Web 1.0 was the era of internet protocols, Web 2.0 is our current state of applications and generated content. Web 3.0 will rise as a result of the cracks in the current system, which puts user data in the hands of social media giants. Powered by blockchain technology, this new version of the web will usher in a decentralized internet and put data ownership back in the hands of the user. For the industry, it will completely change the way we approach application development and privacy.

Ram Chakravarti, CTO, BMC

Even more data. We’ll generate about 79 zetabytes of data in 2021, a sum that will more than double by 2025. In the coming year, enterprises will need to orchestrate their data pipelines to obtain a holistic view of the entire organization. They should also adopt DataOps capabilities and agile approaches to data management that allows data engineers, data scientists, and analytics teams to accelerate how data is collected, used, analyzed and where it gets applied.

Brian Rue, CEO and Co-founder of Rollbar Increased productivity will be needed.

We shouldn’t need 50 products to build software — we should need about 4. There will be a coalescing of the development process so that you can move from tons of tools to fewer. There will be a move toward a tightly integrated set of the highest, or best in class tools. As the development process coalesces your team will automate or eliminate steps in the development process (that you org doesn’t need to do manually anymore) and that will mean dropping the tools in the process that go with those steps.

Jeff Whitaker, vice president of products, Excelero In 2022 we’ll see more CI/CD workflows embrace

Kubernetes in the cloud and adopt containernative storage. Kubernetes is the natural choice for a CI/CD workflow, allowing a tried-and-tested environment, and a way to leverage public cloud resources as a bursting option or in a hybrid deployment. This will be driven as container-native infrastructure in the cloud becomes more resilient and highlyperformant – for example, delivering a 15% to 20% performance increase vs. that of bare-metal infrastructure at a major web firm. New approaches will overcome the limits of scale, allowing for larger and faster results from a solid CI/CD pipeline.

Scott Moore, founder, Scott Moore Consulting

Performance testing as a continuous process will become more important than ever. In fact, it will be part of continuous EVERYTHING. Continuous performance tuning changes will gradually be done more by AI and less manually. We will have to let the machines figure out the machines.

Jake Englund, Sr. SRE, Blameless

A broadening scope for SREs. As reliability becomes fundamental to a company’s ability to operate, we predict the SRE role will come into its true potential instead of being limited by partial implementation. If SREs are currently like mechanics, fixing cars when they crash, SREs will become more like civil engineers, focusing more on designing the roads for cars. Reliability starts in design, and we see the role of a reliability engineer continue to involve themselves in the earliest stages such as architecture and prototyping. We also see the knowledge base for this role becoming more about learning on the job than coming in with established, specific expertise. As toolstacks get more complex and specialized to each team and purpose, excelling as an SRE depends more on the ability to learn continuously rather than leverage what you already know.

Frank Kilcommins, API Tech Evangelist at SmartBear The ‘20s have all the markings of being the

“decade of the API, ” all indicators pointing to their proliferation. As technology continues to dominate our lives, APIs are becoming increasingly important, especially with the accelerated digital demands on organizations from the pandemic. Trends coming in 2022 include increasing adoption of API-first and API specifications, increasing relevancy of full lifecycle API management and open standards, richer support for multi-protocol usage, and investment on the team side of API delivery.

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