1 minute read



Public Transportation is not truly a viable option for most AmeriCorps Members as the bus routes are very long and very slow, the commute time and wait time can add hours to your day in order to arrive to service on time.


If you will not be bringing a vehicle to service, it is key that you live with or near other Corps Members so you can work out carpooling.

If you will be bringing a vehicle to service, you may consider ensuring any maintenance is up-to-date and that you have emergency road-side supplies in your vehicle (jumper cables, spare tires, first aid kit, etc.).

Thoughts from current Corps Members

“If you do not have access to a car, you really should consider having a roommate who does have adequate transportation!”

“I wish I had known it would have been BEST to have a car.”“If you do not have a car, find housing near an area where there is a bus line nearby.”“The bus system is not very reliable.” “Have a car or a roommate with a car.”

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