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A new digital platform support group.

“Today, more than ever, social media gives the impression that communication is easy. But each of us can still feel more isolated than ever, a feeling shared by people in both developed and developing countries. We understand that the ambitions of “Entreparents“ are to assist and support people in better communicating with one another.”


- Maria Elena Cuomo Monaco, October, 2022

“Entreparents” is a new parenting support concept that aims to connect new and future parents in the Principality and to assist them with practical solutions, answers to questions, and highlight available services.

The original concept for the mobile App was devised by 4 young mothers in response to the problems they had identified of many other new parents feeling isolated, unsupported, and illinformed.

The integration of digital technology and education is one of the difficulties confronting today’s society, which is why the Cuomo Foundation chose to support this initiative by 4 young female entrepreneurs. Several working meetings were conducted in 2022 to review the project’s status and discuss the communication strategies used to promote “Entreparents”. Funded by the Government of Monaco, the Cuomo Foundation and Monaco Telecom, and developed by Carlo Technologies the “Entreparents” will launch in 2023. In addition, a similar partnership with the Princess Grace Hospital Centre (CHPG) is now being planned.

Total amount granted in 2022 € 30,000