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Rent Self Storage Units in Tauranga

The things you need to know

“I keep hearing about self-storage, but what is it exactly? What are the details? Why is it worth it?”


We’re glad you asked! Whether you’re in Tauranga, close to our Cubeit self-storage locations - or country-wide, this information still applies! Let’s begin!

What is Self-Storage?

Self-storage Tauranga is simply the hireage of a unit or container that you pack with your belongings, whatever they may be, that is then stored at a secure off-site location that you have access to. This kind of storage suits –

Large or awkward pieces of equipment you don’t need cluttering up your property People who are in-between houses, with nowhere else to store all of their belongings or furniture Housing rooms of furniture while renovations take place

Sales or business equipment takes up way too much space at home or the office. (Such as real estate signs) Seasonal sports equipment for schools or personal use such as skiing gear, football goals etc. Workmanship items like woodwork stations or storage for art pieces / DIY builds Housing building tools and equipment on-site of a construction project for easy and secure access

In a nutshell, a storage unit essentially is an extra room you can hire to keep items in. Our portable Cubes (based in the Tauranga region) can be delivered to your property and kept on-site, or we can pick up a full Cube that you have packed and keep it at our secure offsite location. Our business model is to make extra storage easy and convenient for you!

Now, more importantly - why is self-storage a good investment?

Tauranga Self-storage units are not only affordable (our Cubes clock in for as little as $4.33 PER DAY), they can streamline your operations or house move and make your day-to-day less cluttered and easier to manage. When you aren’t ducking under unused skis to get to a back room, also stuffed with things you will need eventually - but not right now, you can work and live more efficiently and less surrounded in just, well - stuff!

Lots of people find an organised home or workplace a much more peaceful and proactive place to exist, and investing in extra storage solutions for those things you’ll need later - but not right now - takes the clutter out of sight and out of mind so you can focus on the here and now.

For a house move, renovation, or an in-between homes situation - the stress of time constraints is REMOVED when using a self-storage Tauranga unit to house all of those items that otherwise would have no place to live. Moving out of your home on Friday but can’t move into a new place until the following week?

No problem! You won’t have to stress about where to keep your couches, TV, beds, tables, side tables…. You get the picture.

Get a Cube storage unit dropped to your place at your leisure to pack up, and then have picked up and kept safe until you need it again! Easy. As. That.

Tauranga Self-storage units are the small investment that is worth the relief you get when you take that pressure off yourself to not only relocate yourself as fast as possible - but everything you own too.

The verdict?

Investing in self-storage Tauranga is not as expensive as you think, and worth the stress-free experience of having a safe place to store all the things you own for whatever reason, for whatever time period - until you need them again!

If this sounds a bit like what you are after - check out our Tauranga-based Cubeit self-storage unit solutions!