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‘iPad Kid’ generation becomes problem

il runs around. “Oh, kids will be kids,” says some parent of a snotty-nosed kid screaming about not getting their way.

In life, we can’t simply get what we want, but how will they learn if there’s no discipline?





Every generation thinks the generation after them is the worst of the worst. The iPad kid generation, or Gen Alpha, is frightening, to say the least.

A lot of these kids have little to no manners. I’m talking about throwing tantrums in stores and just being flat out rude. Some parents today don’t even watch their kids. I’ve seen parents at events with a glass full of alcohol while their little Tasmanian dev-

How can children learn social etiquette and common manners if they don’t spend time in social situations? I don’t mean to sound anything like, “Back in my day, I had to walk in the cold, over mountains, and fight a bear all just to get to school.” I’m just saying that kids don’t go outside as much as they used to. I remember playing fairies and pirates with my friends or neighbors. Being a kid meant being creative and coming up with your own world. Now, kids are fed these ideas of bright colors and plotless stories. Where is their room to think? They are constantly told how to think and who to be.

From day one, kids today are born with the world at their fingertips. If you have younger brothers or sisters, you can probably see that they are glued to a greasy iPad. According to the CDC, kids from eight to ten years old have an average of six hours of screen time a day, when it's recommended to be at less than two hours a day. It’s a problem. Many of my peers, older adults, and even myself, use the internet for hours upon hours to escape from school or work. What are kids escaping from? The tough world of the playgrounds?

In a serious key, though, the internet is very harmful to everyone, especially kids. I would even argue that kids are being forced to grow up faster because of the internet.

We are so advanced in technology today that there is no turning back, but imagine what it would be like if kids could just be kids again.

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