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western australia | northern territory

President’s report

We are now well into calendar year 2023, and I need to look twice at the date at times with the realisation that we are now into April and rapidly approaching the EOFY, where does all the time go?!

On my mind at present, is of course the rising cost of living impacts that we are seeing around the country, particularly in the areas that my customers reside in, Regional and Remote Western Australia where times can be tough at the best of times.

The recent work that the AICM has been doing in the consumer space, for example the AICM Overdue Credit Report and the establishment of its Consumer Advisory Group has been refreshing and is throwing even more light on to the oft misunderstood, misrepresented financial hardship, and entrenched disadvantage that millions of Australians deal with daily.

Rising Energy Debt is just one of the financial pressures that everyday Australian’s must deal with, and we are all hoping that both Federal and State Governments will remain mindful of this when considering their Annual Tariff, Prices and Fees for the next financial year.

Hopefully, we will also see some more financial relief from the government in terms of energy