5 minute read

Bowser Announces New Sabbatical Program for Longtime D.C. Agency Leaders (Con't)

DC Welcomes New Chief of Police: Pamela Smith (Con't)


She will be the first of the mayor’s Cabinet members to participate in the sabbatical program.

Zeilinger, 50, oversees several of the city’s homelessness services and prevention efforts, as well as benefit programs such as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. In an interview, she said she remains passionate about the Human Services Department’s efforts toward closing income gaps and reducing poverty, but as of late, she’s felt “increased signs of burnout ”

She reached out to Bowser about her concerns

What I know for sure is that MPD is an organization filled with passionate people who genuinely care about making the community sick.

I have been able to compare MPD to a lot of agencies and a lot of Macleans and make no mistake about it today. I am proud I am humbled and I am excited to work alongside this team Joining the MPD as your Chief of Police is a monumental occasion

Zeilinger said she intends to return after some time off with the “energy, drive and vigor that will allow me to continue to be an agent for change in this community ” In the meantime, she said she’ll be able to be more present for her two children

He added that some directors may opt for shorter periods of leave, like one or two months. Those approved for a sabbatical will also be tasked with recommending an interim director, with final approval coming from Bowser Employees will receive their full pay and benefits while on sabbatical, Donahue said, but will not accrue sick or annual leave

And this is more historic moment is not Oslo I joined a legacy of strong African American women leave public safety in the District of Columbia, joining the mayor and the Deputy Mayor of southern Safety and Justice And today I have four young women who are watching this today No matter where you come from No matter your challenges that you face, or the adversity that is in your way.

If you choose to serve in law enforcement or any other career, you become an integral part of any community. I stand here today as someone as a child I had no hopes I had no dreams That were far beyond my reach But I believe that all things and I stand in this place both because of what I believe in and I'm confident and when my experiences both outside and inside of MPD I bring a fresh perspective, a different kind of energy, a different level of passion, to what I'm going to do

Your Monthly Horoscope: August 2023

Aries Monthly Horoscope

Destiny beckons, with North Node entering your sign this month It may sound daunting, but you are encouraged to focus on your own development and self-betterment, and to lean into your own innate impulse You are good at remaining your own person, and all of the signs have something to learn from your steadfast certainty. With the Sun radiating in fellow fire sign Leo, you are given a boon of self-confidence.

Taurus Monthly Horoscope

With your ruler Venus retrograding through Leo, you may be reviewing past dynamics with new eyes. You are being challenged to stop renewing relationships that don’t make you feel worthy With Jupiter in your sign, you are being prompted to approach reality as an exercise in self-worth. Are you putting yourself in the environments, dynamics and situations that you deserve? How can you be more loving, more theatrically kind to yourself?

Gemini Monthly Horoscope

In August you will face certain choice points: do you fall back into the vortex of imagined drama, or can you tune your focus towards yourself, sharpening your sense of security? With all of the signs experiencing the romantic revelations that Venus Retrograde brings, you may be looking for answers to the unanswerable. Fated relationships, chance encounters, conversations left unfinished

Cancer Monthly Horoscope

It’s time to boost your self-esteem to comical heights, to pretend to be the most confident person in the room, to fake it until you make it Leo season wants you to come out of your shell with pride, to radiate, to rock and roll. Utilise the New Moon on the 16th to set intentions for high self-esteem How do you want to feel about yourself? What skills, talents and latent superpowers do you need to take ownership of?

Leo Monthly Horoscope

It doesn’t need to be your birthday season for you to command the spotlight However, this birthday season is scheduled to be an eight-part theatre show, a melodramatic saga of plot twists and heroic acts, particularly with Venus retrograding through your sign You have the ability to command attention from reality, and you also know how to utilise this attention to attract the things you want.

Virgo Monthly Horoscope

With Mars and Mercury roaring through your home turf, you are feeling animated, energised and bursting with ideas You may be more combative than usual, particularly with Venus Retrograde in Leo making everyone temperamental. However, this newfound energy will help you declare a clear sense of purpose. Refine your mission

Libra Monthly Horoscope

With Venus in Leo regressing through your sector of hopes, wishes and dreams, you are called to inspect your self-belief How gaudy, ridiculous and rewarding can your goals get? Employ your imaginative faculties to set more inspired goals. Believe in Miracles The North Node enters Aries this month, pointing the finger of fate into your sector of relationships. Prepare for new contacts, new coconspirators and new beginnings in your dealings with others This is going to bring in a slew of new people into your life

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope

Venus is retrograding through your sector of career and the public, opening doors and anointing your professional sphere with uncommon miracles. It’s time to act like the VIP you’ve always known you are. August bodes very well for making career moves that will achieve incredible recognition After all, with the Sun radiating in Leo, we are all eager for a little more attention


Monthly Horoscope

Early August you are keen for a getaway, an Irish Exit from your social spheres, an adventure You are eager for spiritual reprieve from the mundane, driven by romantic notions of uncharted territory. As Venus retrogrades through your sector of higher learning and travel, you are privy to receiving deep and powerful insights about how to become a Jedi master.

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope

Venus is retrograding through your sector of sex, death and transformation, encouraging you to delve deep. You are prompted by the celestial bodies to seek out new understandings of intimacy, to divulge secrets to others, and to catalyse your own change When you allow yourself to be close to another, you allow yourself to be transformed.

Aquarius Monthly Horoscope

August is all about love, with the Sun radiating through your sector of one-on-one relationships. With Venus retrograding, your attention is drawn to others Your focus moves towards collaborators, friends and associates, all as revolutionary as you. You are exploring partnerships, encouraged to ditch the cerebral stuff, and delve headfirst into a summer fling We open the month with a Full Moon in your sign, illuminating where you may need to detach from other people’s perception. desire.

Pisces Monthly Horoscope

Having had Saturn in your sign has encouraged you to take inventory of what is a dream and what is a delusion Mars and Mercury in Virgo this month encourage you to pair your fairytale fantasy with diligent action. Ground, get organised and curate a new routine. You need daily habits that stimulate your creativity, but also serve to give you long-term stability and vitality they can both be pleasurable and enjoyable.)