8 minute read

I’ll Have What She’s Having

treatments and sometimes clients even say, “I’ll have what you’re having!” Here’s my answer to those queries and comments.

Dr. Lyn Pascoe Viva Medical Aesthetics

Ispent my childhood days on the beaches of New Zealand. It was gorgeous, but the long sunny days took their toll on my skin. When I started in Medical Aesthetics 20 years ago, my skin was in bad shape! I had sun damage, lines, and hyperpigmentation. Since then, I have used a combination of medicalgrade skin care products and effective treatments to repair and revitalize my skin. I am often asked about I like to mix up my routine but overall there are 3 key ingredients that are important: sunblock with zinc every day, topical retin at night, and potent Vitamin C serum twice daily.

my favourite products and

I start my day with Skin Medica’s AHA/BHA Exfoliating Cleanser which provides gentle exfoliation. Next, I use Alumier’s EverActive C & E + Peptide Serum for antioxidant power. After that, I apply Skin Medica’s Rejuvenative Moisturizer to keep my skin soft and supple. Sunblock containing zinc is essential and it follows the moisturizer. I like Skin Medica’s Daily

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Physical Defense SPF 34 sunblock as it contains zinc as well as a mix of powerful anti-oxidants.

At night, I cleanse again with Skin Medica’s cleanser and then apply Alumier’s Retinol Resurfacing 0.5% Serum. My skin is fair so it only tolerates a 0.5% serum. The 1.0% product can cause dryness on my skin. Next, I use Alumier’s EverActive C & E + Peptide again followed by Skin Medica’s moisturizer.

For treatments, I LOVE Laser Genesis. This is a no downtime, collagen building treatment that plumps your skin and gives it a soft texture. The Hollywood stars love this treatment before their red carpet appearances! I try to do one a month and for best results I like to combine it with a HydraFacial MD for our signature HYDRAGENESIS treatment. Once a year I aim to do a Cutera Laser treatment to clear any browns or reds that have evolved from those damaging sun rays that are hard to avoid.

To give my ageing lashes a plump up and some extra length, I use Latisse eyelash serum. Initially, I applied it daily, but now just 3 times a week will keep my lashes as long and thick as I want.

The sun damage from my youth has diminished dramatically over the last number of years. A simple, effective regime can work wonders for you too. So, if you “want what I’m having”, combine medical-grade skin care products with one or two targeted treatment options and you can obtain the results that I have achieved.

Viva Medical Aesthetics #4-177 Fourth Street Downtown Duncan 250 746-6512

Balsamic Apple Crumble Recipe courtesy Grant Easterbrook, The Olive Station, 225 Canada Avenue, Downtown Duncan


6 Local Apples ½ Lemon - juiced ¼ cup Sugar 2 tbsp The Olive Station Cinnamon Pear Balsamic Vinegar 2 tbsp The Olive station Maple Balsamic Vinegar 1 tsp Cinnamon ¼ tsp Sea Salt 2 tbsp Corn Starch


¾ cup Brown Sugar ½ cup Whole Wheat Flour ¾ cup Rolled Oats ¼ tsp Sea Salt ½ cup The Olive station Butter Infused Extra Virgin Olive Oil ½ cup Pecans, chopped


1. Dice apples and place in a large bowl. 2. Add remaining filling ingredients to the bowl and toss with the apples until well combined. 3. In a separate bowl, combine topping ingredients. The topping should resemble wet sand once mixed well. 4. Pour apple mixture into a small pie or casserole dish. 5. Cover evenly with the topping. 6. Bake at 350ºF for 55-60 minutes, or until the apples are bubbly and the top starts to brown. 7. Allow to cool for 15-20 minutes before serving. 8. Serve with ice cream and an extra drizzle of The Olive Station Cinnamon Pear Balsamic!

Bridging Nature with Arts and Culture Hosted by the Somenos Marsh Wildlife Society

The 11th Annual WildWings Nature & Arts Festival is coming this October This year’s WildWings will be a COVID safe but fun family affair with reduced activities that allow for social distancing

to learn more... Facebook:@WildWingsFestival, E-mail: paul@fl etcherfoto.ca Website: wildwingsfestival.com

WildWings artwork by Jennifer Lawson, 2018 Artist of the Somenos

Fall Family Wellness

Submitted by Tina Foster

Many young ones are heading back to classrooms, and some are continuing homeschooling. Either way, children are learning wherever they are, and we want to keep them functioning at their best! And whole family wellness is crucial especially in these times.

Establishing a Fall routine around school, incorporating ongoing hygienic practices, adequate activity, social time, and sleep is important. Parents can remind children (and themselves) about frequent hand-washing, toting around hand sanitizer when out and about, and trying not to touch your nose, sneezing into ones arm, etc. Regular bed times and limiting screen time will aid brain wellness. Getting outside together doesn’t have to end! Great time of year for walks, park time, bike riding, soccer, etc. The fresh air along with exercise is the best thing for the immune system, rejuvenating the lungs, and boosting mind/mood.

Lets bring back eating together around the table! Kids can help out with meal prep, which will help them develop appreciation for healthy food choices and cooking. Eating whole foods, with extra fruits and veggies, quality proteins, healthy fats, while limiting junk and highly processed foods will help everyone in the family not only with their personal goals, but with immunity! Packing healthy lunches may take a but of extra planning, but needed as well. Healthy snacks on the go can include a piece of fruit, cut up veggies and dip (hummus, yogurt), homemade granola or trailmixes, dried fruit, nuts and seeds.

While lifestyle and diet is the foundation for health, supplementation can be ever so game-changing. Consider these daily vitamins for the family, as they will greatly aid in a stable, healthy immune system:

1. Vitamin C- a potent antioxidant, production of white blood cells.

2. Vitamin D- affects key immune cell, regulates and balances.

3. Quercetin- anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral

4. Daily greens powder and multivitamins- helps fill in nutritional gaps, stabilizes, energizes, supports immunity and basic bodily functions.

While you and your family transition into your Fall routine, hoping for you much excellent health and happiness! Don’t forget to support your local health food store, we are here for all your supplement and wellness needs. We are glad to assist you and answer questions.

Be well, be safe, and kind to one another.

Essential Remedies 141 Craig St Downtown Duncan (250) 748-9632

The Benefits of Sheep’s Wool For Joint Aches and Pain

Do you suffer from during the body’s repetitious Arthritis, Fibromyalgia cycle. The consumed water or Osteoporosis? Does your also detoxifies the organs and body hurt more when there is released through our largest is a weather change coming? organ — which is the skin. To Wool may be your answer to trap the moisture between the less pain and discomfort. body and synthetic clothing People with arthritis suffer environment for the bad from joint pain, stiffness bacteria to thrive. Our skin that often worsen with age. needs to breath, we do not Fibromyalgia is a chronic have a choice about that. condition that causes pain in the bones and muscles that Arthritic people sleeping in can affect sleep, memory and wool bedding report a much mood. Osteoporosis means deeper and longer sleep ‘porous bone and results and often even sleep all in weaker bone strength or night long. The soft flexible density and symptoms are tubular coil cushions, (a often back pain, stopped shock absorber) eases the posture and fractures. pressure points especially for Those with the above sufferers. As a natural ailments can tell you there insulater, wool also promotes is a weather change coming. circulation. Wool will do all The extra moisture in the air the work keeping your body is already felt in the joints to 37 Celsius all night long. and their overall energy If you have ever fallen asleep levels may drop. Wrapping reading on the coach, chances yourself in wool can assist by are what will wake you up is absorbing the extra moisture, that the temperature of your sponging 30 to 40 % of its body which fell to a low. A own weight and bringing hot drink will help us come natural warmth to the afflicted around and function. areas, alleviates aches and or bedding creates a perfect fibromyalgia and osteoporosis brings comfort. Health There is a small margin where professionals tell us to drink the body functions at its best. half our body weight in water The natural warmth of wool daily. A certain amount used will keep the muscles soft to go up the spine, around the all night long which once brain and returns downward again eases the discomfort of the aches and Sheepskin mattress pad pains that come along with these chronic ailments. As a result you can use your energy to rejuvenate and heal which is what sleep is intended to do rather than work hard to keep your body at its desired 37 Celsius state. Nature’s miracle, wool provides that sweet micro environment, a return to the womb.

Soul Comfort Sheepskin Wool 190 Fourth Street Downtown Duncan 250-737-1281