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NCBA Legislative Update


WASHINGTON (Dec. 30, 2022) – Today, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) issued the following statement on the Biden administration’s finalized Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) rule. “For too long, farmers and ranchers have dealt with the whiplash of shifting WOTUS definitions. Today, the Biden administration sought to finalize a WOTUS definition that will protect both our nation’s water supply and cattle producers across the nation.” said NCBA Chief Counsel Mary-Thomas Hart. “While the rule retains longstanding, bipartisan WOTUS exclusions for certain agricultural features, it creates new uncertainty for farmers, ranchers, and landowners across the nation.” NCBA previously called for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to retain agricultural exclusions for small, isolated, and temporary water features that commonly appear on farms and ranches. These exclusions have broad support and were included in WOTUS rules under both Republican and Democratic administrations. The rule fails to clearly exempt isolated and ephemeral features from federal jurisdiction and relies on “case-by-case” determinations to assess whether a feature is federally regulated. Today’s rule is a far cry from the regulatory certainty provided by the Navigable Waters Protection Rule, creating a significant and costly burden for agricultural producers. “The timing of this rule could not be worse,” added Hart. “The Supreme Court is currently considering Sackett v. EPA, which will provide muchneeded clarity related to the WOTUS definition. Today’s final rule seeks to directly preempt ongoing Supreme Court litigation, leaving farmers and ranchers with more questions than answers.”


Annual Cattle Industry Convention Showcases Sustainability Efforts CENTENNIAL, CO (Jan. 9, 2023) – Everyday cattle producers across the country reaffirm their commitment to protecting environmental resources, supporting communities and creating an economically viable future through effective management practices. The “Beef Sustainability Forum – Continuing our Commitment to a Sustainable Future,” sponsored by Elanco, will be held on Thursday, Feb. 2 at 12:30 p.m. in New Orleans to highlight the industry’s sustainability efforts. Moderated by National Cattlemen’s Beef Association CEO Colin Woodall, the panel discussion will include opening remarks from Katie Cook, Elanco’s vice president of global farm animal innovation & U.S. farm animal marketing; and will feature John Ferry, co-owner of JY Ferry & Son, Inc., in Corinne, Utah, the 2021 national winner of the Environmental Stewardship Award Program; Tom McDonald, senior vice president of environmental affairs & sustainability for Five Rivers Cattle Feeding; Drake Yon, farm operations manager at Yon Family Farms in Ridge Spring, South Carolina, the 2008 national winner of the Environmental Stewardship Award Program; and Sara Place, PhD, associate professor and feedlot systems specialist at Colorado State University. “Sustainability continues to be a top priority for NCBA and is an issue at the forefront of the entire beef industry,” said Josh White, senior executive director of producer education and sustainability at NCBA. “This special event will include cattle producers and industry leaders from various sectors discussing strategies that improve sustainability, and how those efforts can enhance sustainability for the entire industry." In addition to the Sustainability Forum, convention attendees can find sustainability-focused educational sessions on the NCBA Trade Show floor in the “Cattle Chats” area. During these brief presentations, industry leaders will share the latest trends in sustainability and other issues impacting the beef cattle industry. From cowherd nutrition and record keeping to animal health and alternative financing, these unique sessions will provide producers the resources needed to develop a lasting legacy. The annual Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA Trade Show is the oldest and largest convention for the cattle business. The 2023 convention, Feb. 1-3 in New Orleans, features education, entertainment and business meetings. For more information and to register, visit convention.ncba.org.


WASHINGTON (Dec. 22, 2022) – Today, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) congratulated two key agricultural nominees on their Senate confirmation to senior positions at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). “NCBA extends our congratulations to Doug McKalip on his confirmation as Chief Agricultural Negotiator in the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative. NCBA is pleased that the Senate confirmed such a qualified nominee who can now get to work promoting new trade opportunities that benefit American cattle producers,” said NCBA Vice President of Government Affairs Ethan Lane. “We look forward to working closely with Mr. McKalip in his new role.” The Senate also confirmed Dr. Jose Emilio Esteban to an Under Secretary position at USDA. “NCBA congratulates Dr. Jose Emilio Esteban on his confirmation as USDA Under Secretary for Food Safety. Dr. Esteban’s role is critical for ensuring consumer confidence in the beef industry. Dr. Esteban has an extensive background in food safety through his work with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and USDA, and we are pleased that the Senate confirmed such a highly qualified nominee. NCBA has worked closely with Dr. Esteban in his position as Chairman of the Codex Committee for Food Hygiene, and we look forward to future collaboration in his new role,” said Lane.