2 minute read

Rick Hilles

Rick Hilles

Lockdown Haiku


Binge-watched Tiger King. Like being nibbled to death Slowly by goldfish!

Ate a banana. Ate another banana. Feel about the same.

“Social Distancing”: Been practicing it? Yes. Thanks! (Since I left the womb!!)

Nursing a dry cough From a noose to an ascot. (Thank God it’s asthma!)

Third time this morning: Caught a wasp in a tall glass Then took it outside.

As if it needed Me to say: Don’t drag your legs! Pollinate!! (It’s Spring!)

Back to Tiger King: If I don’t cut my hair soon, Call me MULLET King.

Spring, how you taunt me! Even my yard’s green lushness Dares me to mow it.

For the longest time I waited to cut the grass. (The grape hyacinths!) Now the lawn is mowed. (Did it with a push mower!) It made a toy sound.

Checking out the yard After last night’s frost. The peach Tree’s fruit: soft, so cold!

After last night’s frost The banana trees’ green leaves: Fists of brown leather.

The lavender bush Returned with such a vengeance! Bees study its ways.

They have left their fears Inside with me, as they get Back to their real work.

Speaking of real work, I need to come clean, the way Flowers are Earth’s dreams.

Last day at the lake Before all State Parks closed, saw The great blue heron

Landing on a log, A fallen tree covered in Turtles. (So many!)

I stood in shadows, Watching the ordinary Miracle progress.

Then heard a bright voice From behind: charming, witty. (Could it be?!?!) Hassaan!

With Becca and Yi! Those darling people, giggling So contagiously!

How much I wanted To embrace them all then when The terrible thought

Filled me completely: What if I had the virus And gave it to them?

(Asymptomatic Typhoid Marys I’ve heard still Spread the contagion!)

Of course the thought cuts Both ways: and I am older. Even more at risk!

Like the turtles there I froze. Fell silent. Vanished. The most loving thing I could do, I thought. To stand with them like turtles Before the heron

Not disturbing their Loveliness, or anything Else at Radnor Lake.

The thought pains me still. Then, looking at my yard now, All the waking things:

The peach tree, waking Up with the banana trees, And the fig’s first leaves….

For now, let’s embrace In the scents of lavender And crushed rosemary!

Dreams For Our Future: The lights turn on in all rooms Of a great white house.

Crumbling to the seas All mountains that were dung-hills. Safe now to embrace.

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