1 minute read

Jennifer Stewart Miller

Jennifer Stewart Miller

Two Dream Weddings Featuring Personal Protective Equipment and New Pantone Colors


For L. & B.

No. 1 Providence, RI — Walking down the aisle at R.I. Hospital’s exclusive employee parking lot, the bride, an ER resident, was radiant in her N95-white gown hand-stitched from surgical drape sheets. She wore a contrasting medical-blue mask and matching disposable gloves and booties. While the tall, dark, and handsomely-masked groom couldn’t really kiss the bride, you could still see the joy in his and her eyes.

No. 2 Waitsfield, VT — The sky was medical-mask blue, dotted with a few N95-white clouds floating serenely by, as the happy bride and groom stood on the scrub-green lawn under viral-orange maple trees, and—with a few casually-tuxedoed cows in the adjacent pasture as witnesses—exchanged their vows—in sickness and in health, until death do us part—love, as usual, the only PPE.

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