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Successful Breakfast Briefing with Finance

Minister County Wexford Chamber hosted a Breakfast Briefing with Finance Minister Michael McGrath TD at the Ashdown Park Hotel, Gorey, in June.

The event was kindly sponsored by Nolan Transport, and attended by businesspeople from across the county, local Oireachtas members and county councillors.


Welcoming the Minister, County Wexford Chamber President Brendan Crowley highlighted the need for optimum infrastructure in the county. “This includes the need to complete the M11 from Oylegate to Rosslare Europort, the need for a third-level campus in Wexford, and the need to retain talent to fuel enterprise in County Wexford.”

Importance Of Smes

Minister McGrath gave an overview of current economic trends and issues, acknowledging the importance of foreign direct investment and SMEs in Co Wexford. “The IDA has 25 clients in County Wexford,” he said, highlighting the role of businesses, ranging from manufacturing to agrifood, technology, financial services and family businesses in creating a wide-ranging local economy.

The development of Rosslare Europort was also noted, along with the expectation that, in 2030, Ireland will be a net exporter of energy. Overall, the Minister said the economic outlook is favourable, adding that there was a need for Government to be conscious of the impact of costs on business of certain measures, such as the extra public holiday, sick pay, and auto enrolment in pension schemes.

Strategic Investment

The minister highlighted the need to reduce inflation, address labour shortages, provide for Ireland’s aging population, reform the planning system, and said the Government will work to reduce the costs people are facing. “The government is looking at ways to increase the capital investment programme,” he said, adding that surpluses generated due to corporate tax would be used for strategic investment.