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Publication of Papers Resulting from Scientific Assembly Presentations

COSPAR encourages the publication of full papers resulting from presentations made at Scientific Assemblies in COSPAR´s flagship journals Advances in Space Research (ASR) and Life Sciences in Space Sciences (LSSR).

More information on these journals is at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/advances-in-space-research and https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/life-sciences-in-space-research

Instructions for Submission of Manuscripts to Advances in Space Research and Life Sciences in Space Research

Advances in Space Research (ASR) and Life Sciences in Space Research (LSSR) are the flagship journals for the COSPAR community. ASR and LSSR are indexed in ISI Web of Science and Scopus, and LSSR is also indexed in PubMed. Both journals are completely open to appropriate submissions from the scientific community, and individuals making presentations at COSPAR Scientific Assemblies are encouraged to submit their complete manuscripts to ASR and LSSR.

There are no deadlines for the submission of papers, except for Special Issues. Manuscripts must be appropriate for refereeing and should be written in good English. Draft, incomplete or poorly written manuscripts will be returned without review.

While there are no publication charges or page limits, papers are expected to be of a length appropriate for the subject. Both journals also support OpenAccess, and a 25% discount is offered to meeting participants, as COSPAR Associates. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically at: https://www.editorialmanager.com/aisr/default.aspx or https://www.editorialmanager.com/lssr/default.aspx where you can find also a Guide for Authors. Before you may submit a manuscript, you must first register on one of the websites listed above.

Authors will be asked when submitting manuscripts to ASR to select an appropriate category from among the following for their paper (if not for an approved Special Issue): Astrophysics; Solar System Bodies; Earth Sciences; Earth Magnetosphere and Upper Magnetosphere; Solar and Heliospheric Physics; Fundamental Physics and Material Sciences in Space; Astrodynamics and Space Debris; and Space Technology, Policy and Education. For LSSR, please select from the following categories: Astrobiology; Habita-bility and Life Support; Space Radiation measurement and Detection; Radiation Environment, Biology and Health; and Gravitational Biology on Plant and Animals. All authors will also be asked to propose names of 3-5 potential reviewers. Accepted papers will be given a digital object identifier (DOI) shortly after acceptance and appear in an electronic version on Science Direct, i.e. they may be cited before being printed. Elsevier supports OpenAccess as well as electronic supplements.

Scientists, engineers, and mission planners with manuscripts appropriate for ASR and LSSR are invited to submit their papers to the Elsevier editorial system for ASR and for LSSR at any time throughout the year. The journals cover all disciplines of space research.

Questions on submission procedures should be directed to the ASR Editor-in-Chief (Pascal Willis, pascal.willis.17@gmail. com), the LSSR Editor-in-Chief (Tom Hei, tkh1@cumc.columbia.edu) or any of the co-editors or associate editors, many of whom are present at Scientific Assemblies.