2 minute read

Publisher’s notes



DIFFERENT... As I write this note in late January, we remain in lockdown, both Ontario and Quebec, for the second time since this pandemic started one year ago. Most retailers remain closed along with restaurants, movie theatres and schools. We have been through a lot over these 12 months, and now we are learning that vaccines won’t be getting to us as fast as we had hoped, but I do see a light at the end of this rather long tunnel—albeit a dim light at this point—but a light, nevertheless.

As all these restrictions have lasted for nearly a year and things have changed in our industry, our customers have changed dramatically, and they may never come back to their old ways. We have seen tremendous growth in online shopping, improved shipping and return policies, and customer service has become more focused—expectations are measured with each transaction.

This pandemic has given tech companies the time to further hone their oferings. It has also sped up their abilities to ofer more sooner. We thought AI, VR and virtual stores were years away, but the process each of these game changers have made this past year is eye opening.

Dominated by Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Elon Musk and a few other primary players, these companies are changing the way we do things now rather than 10 years from now. Did you know flying cars exist today? And mass drone delivery is just around the corner. In as little as three to four years you will be able to shop for clothing virtually, where garmets will be 3-D printed on the spot, giving you the opportunity to shop 100’s of designers – right at your fingertips (all while talking into your watch!)

Much will change, that’s for sure, and the pandemic has only helped accelerate this technological world we are living in. It has forced many of our retailers to rethink how they will engage with their customers. I am not suggesting brick and mortar stores will not continue, but once we come out the other side of this, they each need to be prepared for something totally diferent. Embrace all this innovation coming your way and have fun!

Hoping retail opens back up again soon. Have a great spring selling season.