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’s grand plans for the residents of Salem are sidelined when he’s forced to masquerade as to fool Patch’s nearest and dearest...

BRILLIANT DISGUISE Kayla confronts ‘Steve’ over his absence –will she be fooled, too?

Last we saw of the notorious Stefano DiMera he was on the run, a fugitive from justice and presumed dead by many, with a record as long as your arm. Now he’s back – and revelling in returning home to Salem under the mask of a brilliant new disguise. Thanks to his henchman Dr Rolf, he’s been given the very familiar face of Kayla’s ex-husband – Steve Johnson! Initially choosing to lay low with his devoted cohort Princess Gina (a brainwashed Hope), while he ironed out a plot to torment the people around him, Stefano couldn’t resist slipping out into the public eye over Christmas to catch sight of his lifelong obsession – Marlena – a move that riled his jealous ex-wife Kate, who knows he’s back... and still loves him. However, Stefano’s (Stephen Nichols) decision to in ltrate the hospital Christmas party dressed as Santa back res badly when Steve’s wife Kayla (Mary Beth Evans) spies Father Christmas acting oddly and quizzes him. Fearing exposure, Stefano covers his tracks and slips away unnoticed, leaving an unsettled Kayla to wonder who was in the red suit...

44 Meanwhile, Stefano’s tangible panic at being rumbled rises after he sends Marlena (Deidre Hall) a few telltale gifts, leaving her wondering about the identity of her admirer. Discovering the presents, Kate (Lauren Koslow) is livid about Stefano’s preoccupation with Marlena and threatens to expose his presence in Salem – unless he starts paying her more attention.


Being the centre of attention is something that Stefano must get used to as Kayla and Marlena conspire with John (Drake Hogestyn) and Justin (Wally Kurth) to theorise about the freaky festive events and who might’ve been playing jolly St Nick. As the walls close in on Stefano, he’s forced into taking desperate measures to protect his privacy. Donning Steve’s famous eye patch, he surprises Kayla, Justin, Marlena and John with “Steve’s” surprise return home! It’s a bold gambit! Flabbergasted that her ex-husband has suddenly resurfaced after divorcing her and snubbing all contact for several months, Kayla confronts “Steve”, demanding answers! Thrusting a photo of their  rst wedding at him, she wants to know how and why he could’ve thrown away everything they’d built together over the last three decades. Scrambling to protect his identity, “Steve” angrily rounds on Kayla, ultimately shocking her when he reveals he’s in love with another woman! Devastated, Kayla asks about the woman who has stolen Steve’s heart away from her; but he offers no concrete answers, leaving her upset by his callous treatment. And Stefano must maintain the masquerade when Jack (Matthew Ashford) visits him, ripping into his “brother” for the way he’s hurt Kayla and behaved towards his family. Desperate to get rid of Jack, Stefano deliberately confuses him by lashing out at him, forcing Jack to wonder what’s happened to the Steve Johnson everyone knows and loves! John’s wondering the same thing as he vows to get to the bottom of his “old friend” inexplicably returning to Salem. Thinking Hope (Kristian Alfonso) can help him, John grills her about Steve, unaware he’s really speaking to Princess Gina – who’s anxious to protect Stefano and keep him all to herself! TVS

foxtel now/ foxtel on demand

New year, new baby! GUESS WHAT? Chloe tells Kevin she’s pregnant!

Chloe surprises Kevin with great expectations – but the joy may be dampened by her closeness with a destructive Billy

Last year was one of mixed fortunes for Kevin and Chloe. For the  rst part of 2019, they remained in hiding, on the run from the authorities who wanted her for the crimes she’d committed against Adam. Eventually, though, they were reunited when Adam kidnapped her and forced Kevin into doing his bidding in exchange for her safe return! Once Chloe was safely back in Kevin’s loving arms and Adam promised not to prosecute her for trying to kill him, she and Kevin forged ahead with their bright future, culminating in them spending a joyous Christmas with their daughter Bella. So far, so good... As the new year dawns promisingly, Chloe (Elizabeth Hendrickson) and Kevin (Greg Rikaart) re ect on the precious time they’ve spent with Bella, but as Chloe cryptically promises that 2020 is only going to get better, a miserable Santa appears, bemoaning that Christmas comes and goes too quickly. Sensing that he’s lonely when he remarks that Kevin and Chloe are obviously very much in love and confesses that he’s divorced, the pair work to cheer up Santa and succeed in giving him hope for the new year. Afterwards, Chloe intrigues Kevin when she says she has one more special gift for him. On the patio at Crimson Lights, they’re taking in the festive atmosphere when Chloe gives Kevin a pair of baby booties – and reveals that she’s pregnant! Woah! Overjoyed at the prospect of having another child together, Kevin says, “Merry Christmas to us!” and tells the coffee house patrons that he’s going to be a daddy again! Sharing their blessed news with their loved ones, Chloe and Kevin couldn’t be happier – but their family bliss could be ruined by Chloe’s ongoing devotion to her troubled ex: Billy (Jason Thompson). Anxious to help him beat his demons, Chloe again lends Billy a sympathetic ear as he con des his troubles in her, having already proved instrumental in helping him seek professional help for his mental problems. Given he was the father of Delia, the beloved daughter they lost, and also share the same hatred of her killer Adam (Mark Grossman), Chloe feels duty bound to help him survive what ails him... As she gets deeper entwined with Billy and his problems, she could risk pushing Kevin too far. He may not be able to tolerate her friendship with Billy and this could put a strain on the relationship – just when they should be celebrating the impending arrival of their bundle of joy. TVS

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