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5 a day is for wimps

Now Anne answers all the questions you REALLY want to ask ASK ME ANYTHING

I feel amazing! With Grant: I couldn't let this man-go!


ALWAYS CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE A MAJOR CHANGE OF DIET. WORDS: ANNA MATHESON, ERIN CARDIFF. PHOTOS: PA REAL LIFE smoothie with seven bananas, raspberries, 10 dates and coconut water. For dinner, I’d make a cucumber and lettuce salad, with a mango dressing and tomatoes. Within a few weeks, I was buzzing with energy. Waking up at 5am, I zoomed off for a 10km run. I hadn’t run that far in years!

Soon, my skin cleared up and my hair was long and glossy.

‘You’re glowing!’ friends and family commented.

In the summer of 2017, I left my job to travel the world. Discovering new fruits in different countries was amazing, like durian in Hawaii and jackfruit in the Philippines.

Along the way, I met Grant, then 22. Grant was a fruitarian, too, and we bonded over our diet. We settled down in Denmark in August 2018. Filling our kitchen with fruit and veg bought in bulk.

We only ate seasonal produce, to try to reduce our carbon footprint. Then, in May 2019, I fell pregna I didn’t as doctor about take any sup because I felt healthy. But after four months, I suffered bad morning sickness. And so, craving stodge, I added potatoes and pasta to my diet. And in January, our beautiful daughter Elva was born, weighing 6lb 8oz. A healthy bundle. And as soon as it’s time for Elva to go on to solid food, I’ll be introducing her to a fruitarian diet, too. It’s so important to be healthy but I want to help the environment, as well. Now, I’m sharing my experiences as a fruitarian on YouTube and Instagram. Some people are sceptical, about my experience. I’m so thankful I discovered this colourful diet – even if it’s not a-peel-ing to everyone!

QDon’t you feel hungry?

ANever! In fact, it’s usually the opposite – because of the amount of fruit I have to eat to get me up to the recommended calorie intake, at first it was actually hard to eat that volume of food. I never feel hungry. And by making sure I eat a variety of different fruits, and a little veg, I get all the minerals and vitamins I need, too.

QDo you crave cooked meals? A Even when I first started the diet, I didn’t have any cravings. I used to love pasta and curries, but I didn’t miss it once. Things changed during my pregnancy as I needed to eat simple vegan meals to help with the nausea of morning sickness, but I’m hoping to get back to the fruitarian diet soon.


What do you eat when you dine out?

AIt’s tough. I know most restaurants

won’t cater for me. But I’ll still go out with friends and family – I’ll just make

sure to eat

beforehand or bring some fruit and veg along with me if it’s possible.

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