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You have problems, but the joke is that you find the solution

The book is dedicated to his father, with whom he was angry and did not speak to for almost 10 years. Of those 10 years, Alex spent 8 in prison.

Writing the book during the program “I am an Author”, is a process of several sessions and halfway through Alex became emotionally blocked, he felt a lot of pain and did not want to continue. Then he thought he would never be able to talk about it and knew that if he wrote it, the message would be better understood.


Above all, his father would understand it.

Four years after he wrote it, Alex gave him the book. They were already talking to each other, however, they did not open up with each other and did not say everything they needed to share. His dad opened it and when he saw the first page he told Alex “I have to read this on my own, it’s too strong”.

Alex rereads his book from time to time and chooses the part where he wrote about the advice his father gave him. His father had left for the United States when he was three months old. “My dad was a teacher -he says- I once had a problem and he told me ‘it’s like in mathematics, you have problems, but the joke is that you find the solution. And all those problems have a solution. It’s the same in life”.

Alex says that when he was a kid he didn’t understand it, but now he does and he gave it to him in his book.

I had my 80-centimeter space and I stole a little bit of light with a mirror. In that little bit of light that fell on my mat, that’s where I wrote.

Amelia, Outreach Center Leader