3 minute read

The show must go on

Is it me, or is living in the time of COVID-19 just so surreal? As I sit here in lockdown, I can’t help but feel unsettled, and at times like I’m in some sci-fi movie with no known ending.

As I ponder what our sector’s ‘new normal’ will be, I also find it difficult to ignore the current facts of how many businesses in our sector are in dire straits, and how many will unfortunately close over this uncertain period.

The one thing that does give me great resolve is that I know that the people in the business events sector are resilient and will find a way to overcome our newest challenge.

Having had quite a few discussions with industry players, I have found there is a definite thread of thoughts that are coming through. Clients are in ‘shock’, as are we, and this ‘shock’ state does not bode well in making any decisions.

There is much fear in the market as to when we, as an industry, will be able to go back to our place of business and do what we do best – organise and host events, congresses, exhibitions and incentives.

There are a lot of virtual events happening at the moment. The move to virtual has become a big part of our sector, and although I do acknowledge the need for such events, I don’t see face-to-face interactions ever disappearing. I think the main thing here is the ‘show must go on’ and at the moment it can’t be done in a face-to-face platform. Alternatives have to take centre stage for the time being.

I must admit, I have certainly taken part in a number of webinars and zoom & MS Team meetings.

We are all having to adapt to this ‘new normal’ and still we are not able to predict what the ‘new normal’ will be post lockdown. While our country and the rest of the world try to ‘flatten the curve’ I can’t help but laugh as most of us are doing the opposite in our home environment, with the awakening of the home cooks and bakers.

The fact is we need to be positive about our future, and our mindset needs to be right for when business returns to a ‘new normal’ – we all have to adapt. Thankfully, we live in a time where technology can assist in bridging the human interaction gaps. Technology has to be our friend at the moment. The more acquainted we become with the latest technology available, the better.

No matter what happens tomorrow; hybrid events, Zoom meetings, virtual exhibitions are all going to be part of this ‘new normal’ – but my opinion is that it has to complement our ‘past’ or ‘old’ normal.

While I sit here and write this, my children have started to adapt to their ‘new normal’ with online schooling being part of their daily routine. I am flabbergasted by the fact that my daughter is able to write her exams from our home.

The fact that the children are able to do this with no fear, just gives me hope that no matter what comes our way, we are all resilient and will come out stronger when all is said and done.

I just would like to let all my readers know that I am an email, phone or zoom call away. You are not alone during this time, we are all in it together. I would love to hear from you all and dream of a time we can all see each other again.

And in closing, our new greeting – stay safe!