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The metaverse, a term coined by science fiction author Neal Stephenson, refers to a virtual world where people can interact with each other and with virtual objects in a manner that is indistinguishable from reality. It is a shared, immersive, and interactive digital space that is being built on top of existing technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and the internet. The metaverse is expected to have a profound impact on our daily lives, as well as on the human-centered experience across various industries.

In the near future, the metaverse will become an integral part of our daily lives, providing us with new opportunities for communication, entertainment, and commerce. For example, people will be able to communicate with each other in a more immersive and engaging way, using virtual avatars to express themselves. Entertainment will also become more immersive, as people will be able to experience movies, music, and other forms of media in a fully-realized, interactive digital world. Moreover, the metaverse will provide new opportunities for commerce, as businesses will be able to create virtual storefronts and marketplaces where people can shop, purchase, and interact with products in a way that is more engaging and personalized than ever before.


Implications of the metaverse on human-centered design and userexperience

Metaverse will blur the lines between the physical and digital worlds, and will require designers to rethink the way they approach user experience. In the metaverse, users will be able to interact with digital objects and environments in a more natural and intuitive way, which will require designers to create interfaces that are more intuitive and immersive. It will also change the way we think about personalization and customization. As users will be able to create their own virtual environment and experiences, designers will need to provide users with more options and flexibility to personalize their experiences. Additionally, the metaverse will also require designers to consider the social implications of their designs, as users will be able to interact with others in virtual spaces.

Furthermore, the metaverse will also have a significant impact on accessibility. As the metaverse becomes more advanced, it will become an important platform for people with disabilities, as it will provide them with new ways to interact and access information and services.


The metaverse will also have a significant impact on the humancentered experience across various industries.

For example, in the healthcare industry, doctors and patients will be able to interact with each other in a more immersive and engaging way, using virtual reality to simulate surgeries and other medical procedures.

In education, teachers and students will be able to interact with each other in a virtual classroom, using virtual reality and augmented reality to create a more engaging and interactive learning experience. In the retail industry, customers will be able to shop in a virtual mall, where they can explore products, try on clothes, and even interact with salespeople in a more personalized and engaging way.

Real estate, where virtual reality and augmented reality will enable buyers to explore and preview properties from anywhere, even before they are built. This will make the process of buying and selling properties more efficient, cost-effective, and accessible for everyone.

In the travel industry, the metaverse will enable people to experience virtual travel, where they can explore new places, cultures, and attractions without having to leave the comfort of their homes. This will make travel more accessible, safe, and sustainable for everyone.

The metaverse will also significantly impact the gaming industry, enabling people to experience more immersive, interactive, and social gaming experiences. With the metaverse, people will be able to play games with others from around the world, in real-time, and in a shared digital space, opening up new opportunities for esports and gaming as a profession.

As businesses will be able to reach customers in a more personalized, engaging, and interactive way, the marketing and advertisements will also transform. With the metaverse, businesses will be able to create virtual advertisements and experiences that are more immersive, engaging, and interactive than traditional ads. This will enable businesses to reach customers in a more effective and efficient way, and will also open up new opportunities for creative and innovative advertising campaigns.


The metaverse will also have a transformative impact on the way we work. Remote working and virtual collaboration will become the norm, as people will be able to work together in a shared digital space, regardless of their physical location. This will enable companies to tap into a global talent pool and create more efficient and productive teams. Furthermore, the metaverse will enable companies to create virtual workplaces, where employees can interact with each other and with virtual objects in a more engaging and immersive way. This will improve the overall work experience and make it more satisfying and productive.


The virtual world of Metaverse where individuals can interact and transact in an immersive environment, has the potential to revolutionize various industries, including entertainment, education, and retail. As such, it is likely to have a significant impact on the way we live, work, and do business. Metaverse can create new jobs and business opportunities in fields such as virtual reality and augmented reality design, content creation, and data management. Businesses in various industries could use the metaverse to expand their reach, create new revenue streams, and improve their bottom lines. However, there could be negative consequences for certain jobs and businesses. For example, brick-and-mortar retail businesses could be negatively impacted by the rise of virtual shopping experiences in the metaverse. Increased automation of certain jobs in the metaverse could lead to the substitution of workers.


Metaverse could possibly lead to increased isolation and alienation, as people spend more time in virtual worlds and less time interacting with others in the physical world. It can also change the way we think about identity and selfexpression. In the metaverse, users can create avatars that allow them to present themselves in ways that may not be possible in the physical world. This could lead to new forms of self-expression and creativity, but it could also blur the lines between reality and fiction, making it difficult to distinguish between genuine interactions and those that are staged or fabricated.


There have been several ethical and societal concerns associated with Metaverse. For example, the metaverse could exacerbate issues related to digital privacy and security, as people will be sharing more personal information than ever before. Additionally, the metaverse could exacerbate issues related to digital addiction and disconnection from reality, as people may become more immersed in the virtual world and less connected to the real world. Furthermore, the metaverse could exacerbate issues related to inequality and access, as people who cannot access the metaverse may be left behind in terms of communication, entertainment, and commerce.

Is Metaverse going to create a new digital economy for the transaction of assets or just another bubble?

-Team ConQuest

The metaverse is the topic of conversation right now. The metaverse, a hybrid of virtual reality, augmented reality, sensory technology, and spatial computing, promises to take us beyond our sofas or desks and provide new experiences. However, the metaverse is more than just a virtual world for video games. It is an entirely new economy, and it is not just limited to IT firms. Even established businesses are getting ready for the metaverse to become a place where you can buy, play games, meet friends, go to concerts, work, and overall create a virtual existence. Examples include eateries like McDonald's and retailers like Nike.


There is no clear road to profitability for the majority of firms because the metaverse is still in its infancy; instead, everyone is vying to be the first to strike it rich. A more developed version of Web 3.0 can be used to explain where Metaverse is now.

As a result, the metaverse is a decentralized system that can be characterized as a community-managed, collaboratively built internet experience with privacy given by the blockchain. The metaverse market is anticipated to be worth between $8 and $13 trillion by 2030, and 5 billion users are anticipated within the same time frame.


The type of money utilised in the metaverse will differ from the money we currently use on a physical level. Cryptocurrencies will be used in a variety of ways similar to how we already use actual money; therefore, the way money moves will likewise change from how we currently experience it. The key to ensuring a continuous user experience will be blockchain technologies. It is anticipated that various kinds of cryptographic assets will rule the metaverse.

Consequently, one needs to first build a crypto wallet, buy some cryptocurrencies, and then finally buy NFT through an exchange in order to purchase NFT. When the necessary infrastructures are put in place, the consumer won’t have to convert their cash into cryptocurrency assets in the regions where the legal framework is sufficient for the existing metaverse environment.


NFT purchases may be made using a debit card or a credit

card. The most recent collaboration between Mastercard and the Coinbase NFT marketplace is an illustration of this. Thanks to this and similar cooperation, the complex procedures required for NFT acquisition will become outdated, and competitiveness in the NFT industry will increase.

The Metaverse’s financial side

A certain length of time is needed for Metaverse to create the technological foundation required for the virtual inter-world experience, its widespread use, and the rise in trust. To facilitate this entire transition process, a combination of products and services offered by metaverse finance (meta-fi), decentralised finance (de-fi), centralised finance, and traditional finance needs to be created.

Which areas of finance will Metaverse touch?

1. Property Rights: We can categorise these two sectors as having money as the first and property rights as the second. NFTs, which are immutable, distinctive, and capable of demonstrating ownership, are believed to be a useful tool for determining property rights in the metaverse.

The resolution of property rights will also give digital assets the foundation required for usage, appraisal, and trade. We may observe that solutions for the demands of buy-sell transactions and the financing of digital assets are being developed within the framework of Meta-Fi. The best instances in this regard include using NFTs as security when applying for a loan or withdrawing from a loan to obtain an NFT. These are only the first steps, of course.

2. Wallets: architecture is the foundation of Metaverse's financial system. The provision of the wallet infrastructure will be one of the most time- and resource-intensive financial jobs in the Metaverse.

Currently, a wide variety of cryptocurrencies are in circulation, financial transactions are carried out using multi-chain architectures, and users can access their cryptocurrency wallets using procedures known as multiple private keys. All of this makes financial transactions in the metaverse more difficult and sophisticated than the way that we typically use digital applications.

Financial institutions have a big obligation to manage and streamline these operations, as well as to give people the experience they are used to. Digital assets and cryptocurrencies should be connected to the real-world economy by fiat money and, by extension, conventional financial institutions. Therefore, the availability and usability of financial services in the metaverse will determine how quickly the creative economy develops.

Global corporations, including PwC, JP Morgan, HSBC, and Samsung, have already purchased virtual land tracts that they want to develop for a range of uses. To show how the metaverse can be used as a force for good, DBS joined forces with The Sandbox as the first Asian bank to create DBS BetterWorld.

Financial services in the metaverse will hold the future creative economy together, which will connect physical and digital assets. And the fundamental problem is a lack of a future-forward mindset, which is necessary to build competency and provide the kind of customer experience that the expanding creative economy demands.

Consequently, banks have a few major opportunities:

1. Become dependable stewards of digital assets: At present, people have an implicit trust in banks with their money. There is no justification for them not to put their money and digital assets in the hands of banks.

2. Provide virtual wallets that any client may use easily: It will be practical to construct a digital wallet there as well if you keep your cryptocurrency, digital assets, and real-world money all in the same location.

3. Establish smooth, and secure transactions: Currently, using a combination of fiat currency and cryptocurrencies to make purchases in the metaverse is cumbersome and inconvenient. It frequently calls for absolute confidence between the parties.

4. Construct passageways from the metaverse to the physical world: In some areas of the metaverse today, it is relatively simple to spend fiat money. Money from the metaverse is more difficult to transfer to the real world. There are some early competitors developing crypto-to-fiat exchanges and related services, but banks could also participate.


It will be interesting to see how the metaverse continues to change our understanding of the economy and how value is defined. More utility has to emerge to build strong foundations for a successful ecosystem; many traditional financial systems and service providers may not be able to keep up.

The development of the metaverse economic system will incrementally change the financial industry through both steady changes and bursts of innovation.

No doubt, regulations will rise to meet the changing digital landscape, especially around the emerging DEFi systems. But one thing is certain—the metaverse is here, and our traditional society will never be the same.

A Bee in the Metaverse


There is no denying the role of the metaverse in stepping up the game of virtual meetings, be they corporate or educational. It looks promising to turn passive meetings over Zoom into more interactive and collaborative spaces for users. The employees of large corporate houses can find themselves interacting in virtual workspaces all while working remotely. While their physical selves comfortably lounge on their couches, their digital twin avatars are the ones grinding in these coded offices. Meta’s Horizon Workrooms and Microsoft’s Mesh are precedents for this immersive experience. Following in the footsteps of these tech giants, ed-tech firms are also looking at enriching the learning experience of students by leveraging the metaverse. Such is the initiative of the Indian edtech firm Edverse. They have set their sights on getting students industry-ready by providing them with a digital platform to interact and work on acquiring soft skills. Their rationale is that simulating real-world activities would help students understand and mould into the role better.

Digital bees give their hive a facelift