2 minute read


Many of you may of heard that there is a transition happening at Conference Office in Chief Financial Officer. Peter Dose, who has served as the Conference CFO for six years, resigned from the position to facilitate a move back into private employment.

Peter has been quick to emphasise that he was not looking for new employment. Rather, the company, knowing many of Peter’s professional strengths, approached him with a generous offer. While Peter has rejected other such offers in his time with us as CFO, in this particular case, he could sense God’s leading and has continued to follow Him.


I first met Peter and his wife Leticia when I started in the WA Conference as a pastoral intern back in 2009. Peter’s passion for the church plant and for spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ was very evident. Fast forward twelve years, and I’ve observed that the passion still remains, as Peter put many hours into his role to further God’s Kingdom. No job was too big or too small, his willingness to get in and get the job done is exemplary.

On Tuesday 28 July, the Conference Office closed for a couple of hours as we celebrated Peter’s efforts on our behalf and as we said our goodbyes. Many staff commented on how they particularly appreciated different characteristics of Peter and his leadership.

On Thursday 25 June, having received Peter’s intention of resignation, the Western Australian Appointments Committee met to appoint a new CFO. After prayerfully considering several names, the call was made to, and accepted by Graeme Drinkall.

Graeme has a long career working for the Seventh-day Adventist Church which began here in the WA Conference as a finance clerk more than thirty years ago. Graeme has served in the Western Pacific Union Mission as an assistant treasurer before accepting a call to the Greater Sydney Conference where he served as an assistant accountant, senior accountant, assistant treasurer and CFO. Graeme is currently serving as the Secretary/Treasurer for the New Zealand Pacific Union Conference where he has been for the past ten years or so.

The WA Conference is looking forward to working with Graeme and we believe that his wealth of experience will serve the Conference well. With current COVID-19 restrictions in place, we are unsure as to when Graeme will be able to physically arrive here in WA. We are grateful that he can commence his duties shortly as technology allows, despite the distance. We also look forward to seeing Graeme’s wife Felicity return to WA (she’s a West Ozzy!) along with their three daughters.

We have been blessed to have Peter in the role of CFO. We will continue to be blessed with Graeme at the helm of finance. Both men demonstrate what it means to serve God and to be good stewards of tithe and other income that helps us to further God’s Kingdom.

Graeme Drinkall 
- New CFO

Graeme Drinkall 
- New CFO

Jeanette Robinson - Caterer

Jeanette Robinson - Caterer

Lee Goods- Caterer

Lee Goods- Caterer