Happenings issue 17 17 02 1993

Page 1

Cover photo: Jo Brand ....the deadpan, bedpan(?!) comedienne

IN Peter Hart talks to Jo Brand inside


competition PAGE THREE

j.rhe 14 day happenings poster j . The city's only detailed guide to what's on where and when PAGES FOUR AND FIVE

concrete's pull-out guide to the local arts scene

ta tvvo Peter Hart talks to the psychiatric nurse, turned award-winning comedienne

it's taken Jo Brand seven years to get anywhere near the top, but she's nearly there. At least, her catalogue of recent television appearances as a 'celebrity' rather than a comedienne would seem to suggest so; 'Have I Got News For You', 'Wogan', and 'Ciive Anderson Talks Back',being some of the more popular of the many. Certainly this is something she could never have dreamed of when, back in 1986, she decided to take the plunge in a New Cross pub, where anybody who thought they were funny could try for five minutes of fame. She recalls: "I got very drunk indeed and was put on at the end of the evening at about half past twelve ...not a good idea really, but it did dull the pain of dying a death." But she's quick to stress it wasn't just a case of stumbling on to the stage and performing a kind of comedy karaoke, but that she had wanted to do it for ages: "it was just a question of being old enough and drunk enough to do it really.· Some may wonder why. of course, considering the fact that her former job was as a psychiatric nurse. But, she says, there IS a link! "Doing psychiatric nursing teaches you how to look very calm and confident on the outside, when you're completely crapping yourself inside." Talking about last year's Edinburgh Festival, Ms Brand - in her modesty- says she did "fairly well" up there. At this point I interrupt and suggest that she in fact did better than 'fairly well', considering that she was a 'Perrier Award ' nominee. She giggles (something it is quite unknown for Jo Brand to do) and corrects to herself: ·Alright, I did really good Edinburgh.· This, in turn, led on to bigger and better things, culminating last December in her winning the title of 'Top Comedy Club Performer' at the British comedy awards. "I was very happy about that comedy is such a male dominated job, and especially club work be-

cause people think that women can 't do it and have to get their hanky out and start crying if it doesn't go very well ." She says that it certainly is a difficult job for a woman to do if you have a weak ego, especially as people heckle you on what you look like if you're a woman. Ms Brand easily overcame being ridiculed by turning the tables on herself: "When I started I felt happiest doing fat jokes because it was easy and the way that I was anyway." But her humour has changed slightly, and she includes "political stufF in her act now. Hecklers, though , are still something she has to deal with regularly. "lt happens all the time- and that's the problem with comedy, you never get to the stage where you can be completely confident about the way you'll go down . The comedian's worst fear is to get a heckler who's better than you are and completely destroys you in front of the audience." The worst audiences, though, are students: "They don't know anything aboutanything ... a lot of them have just come from home and they haven't really had a chance to get interested in anything ." Jo adds (and does this sound familiar), "I have noticed a general apathy amongst students about political issues- I'm appalled sometimes when I've done the Comedy Store and was talking about Gorbachev and someone said 'Who's he?!' So if you do political stuff, unless it's very general, they don't know what you 're on about. And they don't really want to hear it anyway, and in a way I don't blamethem-becausewhenyou're at college you just want to get drunk and get off with people really." So who does she admire in the 'business,' as all comedians have role models don't they? Ms Brand says: "I think early Billy Connoly's brilliant, but I'm not so keen on him now. The same applies to Alexei Sayle who was bril-

liant, and who now does voiceavers for Rumbelows. So people change a lot and there's nobody really consistently that I admire and don't think is tainted in some way by the whole showbiz thing really." Presumably, though, she would do the right advert if it came along? She is quick to answer, "No -I've been offered a lot of adverts but wouldn't do any. I couldn't bear to be that much of a hypocrite because all my friends know that ever since I started I've said that I won't do adverts. The only reason I'd do an advert is if a friend of mine desperately needed a lot of money quicklyto stop them dying or something ." Finally, we get round to the reason for our conversation - she is visiting the recently-refurbished Norwich Theatre Royal as part of their Laughter Week. But she admits that her last experience of the City was not a particularly enjoyable one: "I did this place called 'Top of the World Cabaret' - it's some nightclub and it was terrible - it was a lot of chrome and a lot of glass and about 30 people who'd had obviously come there to get off with someone and have a cocktail." That said, let's hope Ms Brand doesn't have any problems with locals or students when she takes over the Theatre Royal for the evening. eJo Brand is the host of a new Radio 5 programme called "it's my Party," beginning on Monday April 5 at 9.30pm. Each week, a guest (and those lined up include Craig Charles, Pat Cash and John Hegley) talks about their perfect party. Starting from scratch, they pick their ideal venue, cook up a tasty menu, order a cellarful of drinks, and finish by speculating who would get off with whom at the end of the night! Sean Hughes opens the series, talking to Jo about the party games he'd like to play with children's TV presenter, Phillipa Forrester.















BOX OFFICE (0603) 63 00 00

film three

STAY -T UNED PG The Knables were the all American family until things suddenly went wrong after father Roy Knable (John Ritter) buys the biggest satellite dish you have ever seen - straight from the devil. Both Dad and Mum (Pam Dawber) soon find themselves stuck on the inside of the TV that Roy was always so fond of -their own TV hell. The AII-American kids, teenagers Darryl and Diane (David Tom and Heather McComb) at first think that 'Mom' and Dad have gone on holiday without telling them, but then they see Mum and Dad on TV as cartoon characters. Thefitmthencontinuesas Mum and Dad appear in a series of parodies of popular American TV, they have to survive inside TV for 24 hours to get back to

'the other side'. As well as the cartoon (directed by Warner Brothers Chuck Jones) there is also 'Duanes Underworld', 'I Love Lucifer' and 'Different Strokes', the last of which is about...well, two people who have suffered a

stroke. Thisisahilariouscomedy, that ensures a good two hours entertainment but requires only the minimum of concentration. The quick hops from sketch to sketch stop you ever getting bored, and the jumps back to

the children at home watching their parents on TV give some semblance of a plot. In the main though, if you treat this as a light-hearted comedy, you won't regret seeing it. Recommended. Steve Howard

Union Films Previewed Eddie Murphy stars as a womanising sleaseball who does the unthinkable- he falls in love with one of his 'victims', his boss (Robin Givens). Worth watching just to see the obnoxious Murphy taken down a few pegs, when he realises she has his usethem-and-dump-them attitude. Otherwise, it's an unsatisfying comedy, sprinkled with a few good oneliners.

Some screen mutts are bearable -look at 'Benji' or 'The littlest hobo'. Some - like doggy icon 'lassie' - are downright cool. 'Beethoven' is neither. Constantly slobbering, eating and crapping -and that's justthe three brats that look after him -he manages, against all odds, of course, to save theworld-well,hispatch of movieland surburbia. A canine caper to be avoided at all coSts.

Predictably she causes mayhem, drives the humourless Mother Superior (Maggie Smith) insane, and teaches the choir to sing • forget 'Kum by yah', this is SOULI Yes, it's predictablel Yes, it's preposterous! but it's harmless fun and it makes you feel good.

Essentially a one-joke movie, Whoopi Goldberg is a lounge singer fleeing killer boyfriend, harvey Keitel, who's put in a convent (yes, that's the one joke) to keep her safe.

if'Ml!JJI~t~ 'll;) ~®









(a dellcl~ dish of porit,wine & cOf"iander.Piua rice)

STIFADO (a rich stew


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wine) (piecea of chic:ken cooked with bwnboo sttoots.,muaftrooms.,


snowpeas.& uuonigs)



(piec•s :at portt marinated In soy sauce & sugar.

.Easy-on-the-eyes Val Kilmer stars as a halfsioux FBI agent, who is sent, with partner Sam Shepard, to the Navajo reservation to investigate a murder. On the way he discovers his roots and a confusing web of corruption. Good performances are built up, whilst the plot crumbles, so forget about the story and concentrate on the beautifully shot scenery.

Robert Redford heads a group of misfit 'Sneakers'- a sort of A Team where machine guns are swapped for micro chips. Trouble starts when they're hired to steal a decoder which allows access into any computer system in America. An impressive cast line-up - Sidney Poitier, River Phoenix, Dan Ackroyd - but the premise is betterthanthe finished product.

served with a gtnger sauce)



(strips of nMCk.,..l c~ed chilli~red peppers.ric•


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Plain boiled rice inel1ded witll appropriate dislles IN


The 14 daY haPPenine~ euide Edited by Georgina King

Weds 24

Weds 17

Spring Fashion Show Student models pose, preen

Union Gigs

T. Royal See Monday

See Tuesday

'Little Shop Of Horrors' -The musicaltumed cultmovie about a venus fly-trap which eats human flesh wreaks havoc in the LCR. £3.50 adv.

Waiter Roy Theatre

Cinema City

T. Royal See Monday

and genera Ay show off, l.llder

professional direction. 'A wonderful clsplly of glamotr' yeah, rVrt. £3

Cinema City


See Tuesday

'The Crying Game' (18) 5:45pm 'Resevoir Dogs' {18) 8:15pm

Thurs 25


Thurs 18 Union Films

See Wechlsday

HAC OliiGrmdandhBigBUI band -l<icki1gotf. ttnHay 'Blues Blaze' is a night of the hottest blues and '50s R'n'B, perfonnld ~Oils Grand and his ten-pece blind. ... unseated, 10 fliPid I hot~ ofdlnct, prwMidtobring the house down. 8pn£4conc.

Cannon Screen One

'The Bodyguard' (15) 2:30, 5:25,8:15 Screen Two - 'stay Ttl'lld' (PG) 1:30, 3:-45, 5:50. 8:30 Screen Tine - 'BeiUy And Beast' (U) 1:30 'Pater's Friends' (15) 3:45,

Odeoo Cinema Cinema City



'Thundertlearf (15) - Val Kilmer and Sam Shepard star as FBI agents on the trail of a killer in a Navajo reservation.

Lazy Lester plus Big Joe Louis and his Blues Kings. 8pm £4 cone.

Cinema City 'The Princess and The Goblin' (U) 2:30pm 'Twin Peaks - Fire Walk With We' {18) 5:45pm, 8:15pm 'Total Recall' {18)- Amie goes :o Mars! Is he a goodie? Is a baddie? In fact, who is he? 11 pm


The One -The WMIIfnlrts

See Wednesday

The Contemporary Music Society presents Endless Drone, FIARA, FUR and Flyover in the Bill Wilson room. (See also Saturday night) 8pm, £2 on the door The Alternative Music Society present (another!) lndie Night, at K Bloclc, Fifers.


rrv:-11 :«J ·12:36am Prison.- Cel Block H C4:- 5:50 . 8pm The Mlgic

'The Discreet Charm Of 'TI'ie


Bourgeoisie'(15). spm .. , 'Unforgiven'.(15f?~ ·

'Husbands and Wives' (15)A big commercial hit for a Woody Alien movie, not so much for the content, as for the controversy that surrounded him. Said to be art imitating life, he has not produced such a funny and insightful fim since 'HannahAnd Her Sisters'. Features the usual Alien ensemble. 5:45pm, 8:15pm

10 -10:30pm Drop The Deed


10:30·11 :o5pmWhose LiMI Is lt AlrfW(I


NAC Tel.660352

· Notwk;h Gallery Tel610561 -

Maddermarket Ttieatre T81620917 '

Orford Yard Studio Tel767059

Wafter Roy Theatre Tel'628181

Peppennint Pk Tel764192

Tues 23 Live In The Hive Barn dancq wllh C4llctt Band, 'The Prestgang'. Maxdrycidlr -£1 a bottle. 9pm

Sainsbury Centre





T. Royal See Monday

HAC 'Leaers Home • A Life Of SyMI Plath' 8pm £3 cone. Ufd 2oth


Union Fikns 'Beethoven'

Cinema City Theatre Royal

·~ Dogl' (18) - See Mono clly 2:30pm. 8:15pm

'The Crying Geme'(18) - See Mono dey5:«ipm

Waiter Roy Theatre 'PttsCeauseiCU'sOrgarisltion Of Love' • TOIIWt is the 'MX1d pr&min of Phi Sdh's edi1g niW play. 7:~£2.50Urd 2oth Feb.

'Stra9rt Talk'- The Divine Miss

gether'. .


See Friday


Union Films

Cinema City'




'Husbands And WrleS' - See Monday 2:30pm, 5:45pm,

Full Of Eastern Promise - An Arabic dance workshop run by Norfolk and Norwich Community Dance, whichjoumeysnto the mystique of Eygptian and Mid-Eastern Dancing. Bring scarves and skirts to enhance mobility. Suitable for an ages,



See Frida . y



T. Royal 2 '

T. Royal

Cinema City

The Ultimate Records lndie Package - featuring The Werefrogs, Sidi Bou Said and Submame9pm

who, mistakenly identified as a shrink, becomes a radio

' ·

Cinema City

BBC1 :- 8- 8:~ 999 C4:-9:30 - 1Opm Cheers 10 -10:30pm Roseanne 11 :05 - 12:05am The Word

, ..,j·.··,.,:;··::,··

Live In The Hive

.~ _two great country anct ~ :slnge(S h8ve jUst re;: leased 'their third'81bum, 'To-


Mon 1


n~ rnber.s

Maddermarket See Friday

·Live in the Hive - India bands

Parton stars as a feisty hick,


BBC2:- 9 - 93lpm FIWICh

1FM:-9 - 10pm Jo1n Annltllding - recorded in concel1 at Gllltontuy.

NAC SwampRat- Newcajun rockers par excellence featuring Pierre Le Rue .(ex Le Rue) and his fiery fiddle, with Tony Weatherall (ex Crayfish and Rosy Hours) accordian ace, and Jeff Mead (ex Le Rue) on super-solid rhythm guitar. 8pm £4 cone.

'The lngJe and MOCool Show'




Te1 0426 932450

Union Films

T. Royal

9pm - 2am £2 before 11 pn, £3after.

Screen One • 'Honey, I Blew Up The Kid' (U) 1:30, 3:«i, 5:45, 7:45 Screen Two -'Brim saobr's Dnlaa'(18) 2:00, 4:00 Screen Tine- 'A Few Good (15) 7:55 Home Alone 2 (U) 1:«J, <4:00


Friday 19

Peppermint Park popular~~.

Screen Feu- 'N~ And The Cly'(15) 3:«J, 6:00, 8:30 A Muppet Christmls,C8rol (U) 1:45

Cannon Cinema

u~ion Gigs· Little Shop Of H6rrOfS- ~-


cape F• {18) 8:30


4 · ·; ".. ·

'Twin P•ks · Fire WalkWllh Me' (18) 2:~. 5:45pm. 8:15pm

T. Royal

'Oiiver!' (U)- A musical version of'OiiverTwisf, starring Oliver Reed, Ron Moody and Mark Lester. 2:30pm 'The Crying Game' (18)- See Monday 8:15pm 'Resevoir Dogs' (18) - See Monday 5:45pm

Tuesday 2

Sunday 28

Cinema City

'Boomerang' (15) - Eddie Murphy plays an obnoxious womaniser and general sleaze, who falls for his boss (Robin GiYens). The tables I •r•thlniM when he discovers she has the same justanother-notch-on-the-bedpostaMudeashehld. Satisfying ID see Eddit Mwphy taken down 1 peg or two, olherwise an uninspiring corn-

Saturday 27

talkshow acMce queen, whose 'credentials' are investigated by jot.mallstJames Woods, as she becomes increasingly popular...Flmy, corny and entertainilg.

'Laughter Week'- Uly Savage headlines the first day of the Theatre Royal's 'Laughter Week'. 8pm £2-£6

HAC Goober Patrol9pm £2 adv./£3 door/£2.50 cone.

Maddermarket See Friday



Affordable Psia·n Portable Word Processing! MC400

Laptop Computer

(Microsoft Word Compatible)

sizes and abilities. 7 - 9pm £4 cone.


The Computer Specialists

ONE STEP BEYOND LTD 9/11 Bedford Street - Norwich 616373

That was the gig that was

~!f~i~~~W~h~a~tt~im~e~i~s~P~in~g~?~ Music news

Above: Material Issue (Stranglers' support) Photos by Craig Eason

Below: The Blues Bros

This week sees the retum of The Brit awards, the yearly occasion when the British music industry reminds themselves how successful and creative they are. This week's awards, broadcast on Wednesday, have been characterised by some anomalous nominations, which have fiuelled speculation in the music press that voterigging is taking place. Supposedly, two major acts have had their awards taken away from them after the Electoral Reform Society discovered evidence of block voting by the record companies involved. Although Concrete will be reviewing the awards in our next issue, the main nominations run as follows, (to those of you who particularly care): BEST BRITISH FEMALE ARTIST: Lisa Stansfield, Annie Lennox,



The Union Secondhand B·ookshop

Kate Bush, Tasmin Archer and Siobhan Fahey BEST BRITISH MALE ARTIST : Phil Collins, Elton John, George Michaei,EricCiapton,JoeCocker and Mick Hucknall BEST BRITISH GROUP : The Cure, Erasure, Simply Red, Right Said Fred and Shakespear'sSister BEST BRITISH NEWCOMER : Tasmin Archer, Dina Carroll, KWS, Take Thatand Undercover BEST INTERNATIONAL SOLO ARnST: Prince, Madonna, Enya, Tori Amos and Curtis Stigers BEST INTERNATIONAL GROUP : REM, U2, Crowded House, En Vogue and Nirvana BEST INTERNATIONAL NEWCOMER : Arrested Development, Boyz 11 Men, Tori Amos, Nirvana and Curtis Stigers

The Sultans of Ping FC arrive at UEA on Monday Week 7 (22nd Feb) to play their re-scheduled date from the now defunct Waterfront. The band, who shot to fame atthe beginning of the year with their latest single ·u Talk 2 Much" will be bringing their unique blend of noise and humour to the LCR, which could well be heaving to a capacity crowd. The Sultans, who were on tour most of last year, will be promoting their debut album "Casual Sex in the Cineplex". Their previous 3singles, "Where's Me Jumper", "Stupid Kid" and "Veronica" have all been top 5 indie hits and number 1's in Ire-

land, their home country. In the beginning, their gigs were supposed to resemble a football cro.vd, akhough the Sultans would like to tell you that they are now a 'corporate rock band'. However, thewackinessoftheirearliershows remains. With Monty on drums, PatandAJan on guitar in their PVC outfits, and Niall on vocals, prancing around in his leopard-skil tights and tasteless tops, the Sultans are defllitelyattemptingtobringsomething different to the stage. So if you've nothing to do on MondayWeek7,don'trnakeadubious ._...- · decision: forget the football in The Hive, don your football shirt and give the Piilgys a cheer. ·

Fax Service: (0603) 504256 Transmissions: UK £1 Europe £1.50 USA £2 Worldwide £3.50 Reception 50p per A4 page received 1 Photocopying

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Opening Hours 9 - 5.30pm Monday to Friday, 9am. to lpm Saturday



rnu~i.: seven

All dressed up and nowhere to go? Peter Hart discovers why Essex girls do it best! lt can1 have escaped many students' notice, that with the recent closure of The Waterfront, n leaves lntle to do at the weekend other than a dodgy Fifers K-Biock disco or an unadventurous night down the pub. lt is the aim of one second year student to change all that. Lisa Ford, a Law student, believes that after slobbing about in sloppy clothes all week, some students at least enjoy getting dressed up for some decent clubbing. For this reason, Ms Ford has organised anew regular night out in conjunction with Manhattan's nightclub, which will be known as 'Lisa's Lush Liason'! Beginning on Saturday Feb 20 (Week6), thenightwillofferqualny dance music and garage of a kind not usually found in Norwich

at the weekend - and at a price affordable to students. And for those who can't resist moreofthesame, Ms Ford promises to organise the event at least once every three weeks Coming from the true home of the nightclub (and the whne stiletto) Essex, Lisa says she has had many a good night out, even in places such as Romford! "I'm fed up with having to travel home to enjoy a good night out, so now I want to bring a M of London to the fine city where we're stuck for at least three years," she said. "I'm convinced that Essex girls don best." And she added: "I hope to bring up some of my favourite DJs, some of whom have played at such events as 'Spice', 'Naked Lunch', and at Legends." Later on, she ultimately hopes to

begin an 'Opportunity Knocks' night, simlar to that currently held in 'The Milk Bar', London. Said Lisa: "Opportunity Knocks is a night where unknown DJs, including UEA students, will be given a chance to reveal their possibly-undiscovered talent, perhaps progressing to a regular spot atfurtherLush Liasons." *Tickets are available now from Lisa herself and other student agents, priced£1.50 in advance. There will also be a limited amount available on the door, onthenight,(theyopenat9pm), priced at £2. All drinks will be £1 .50. • Lisa said that support for this event means she will be able to afford to stage further nights. e The DJ on this occasion is Rob Maynard from Quaff records in Soho.

Jamie Putnam looks at the latest from bands including Naked Truth, Kinky Machine, and Rebecca de Ruvo &Jo~ McGann (!) NAKED TRUTH : "Black" Sony A rollercoaster ride from one end of the aural scale to the other. Starts off as a free form jazz routine with an Ice-T style monologue and spontaneously combusts into a perfect moment of guitar orgy before getting all mellow again - for a while anyway. The 8-sides are more out and out rock and nod respectfully towards the god fathers of rasta-hardcore, Bad Brains. Excellent.

JOE McGANN •nd REBECCA de RUVO: "Ain't No SQf\shi'-" Huger~ds

Oh deary me. I thought I had my grandma's xmas present sorted for next year ~n I receiVed this. Having liStened

to itthough,tttinkSbe ~ protr ably be embarrassed to sip it fn between 'The lnkspots' and Nat King Cole. Jimmy Nail1 lan McShane, Joe 1

McGann ... who next? Arthur Fowler?

Naked Truth: Excellent HYPERHEAD : "Terminal

amazing, b!Jt there are a hand-

Fur" Devotion

ful of goodes including songs

Groovey in Extremis. A fairly tJnique share of different pop frontedbyMary Mary(exGaye BlketS on Acid.} 'OMne Indi-

vidual' sounds a bit like 'The The'~ally.

by Buffalo f am, 3 1/2 Minutes, Nick Cave and the excellent "Two Wings Mambo~ by Gallon Drunk.

KINKY MACHINE : "SUper· natural Giver"

Lemon Records

N.M.E. : "Viva 3" Viva Records lnaidotthe Spastics Society, a selection oflive recordirgs from the N.M.EVMl eight concerts of '92. Nothing particularly

Klcl< starts with a second rate Hendrix riff, proceeds into a wholly predictable verse and end$ with a Saccharine mockBeattes chorus. Spitfire for the masses.




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Various as above

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Peppermint) 3 Rose l.ane ( Near Pari< Nightclub -----------------------------WITH THIS VOUCHER. NOT




& the



NOT the Arthur Miller Series

All's Well That Ends Well? I By Suzanne Turner I Just imagine Casablanca, a 1940's movie and a country in a state of war and you have the new UEA Drama Society's production of Shakespeare's" All's Well That Ends Well'~· This production promises to be an insight into the immortal bard's darker side. Centring on various conflicts of age and youth, ignorance and wisdom and a literal war in Italy, Shakespeare's play takes us through a nefarious plot sprinkled with sexual innuendo, unrequrted love and a succession of shady deals. Director William Bird , of recent "Cut Off Point" and "The Importance Of Being Earnest", admits that this is the first play that he has directed. "Of course I'm nervous. The play is less of an out-and-out wacky comedy than Shakespeare's earlier plays, but Shakespeare has a great knack of producing people as they are. He manages to capture the fact that the hang-

by Julia Smith

I ups of his time are similar to those of the twentieth century." William Bird explained the concept behind his interpretation of the play: "One thought was to set it in acountry in a state of war. The look I wanted to get was a 1940's movie, so that it didn't look thoroughly up to date but had some historical context. it's good to have a uniformed look. Just imagine Casablanca and people walking around in nice suits, women wrth immaculate hair. I hope this will create an image for the audience." "All's Well That Ends Well" may seem an unusual choice to stage as it is one of Shakespeare's lesser known productions. 'A lot of people are completely unfamiliar with it", admits William, "but Shakespeare is such a great name, an instrtution. That's the challenge , really, convincing people that it's worth seeing. lt is very romantic and I do have a lot of good-looking actors and actresses in it". he smiles. Despite the original concept of staging,the Drama Society's pro-

· ---~

duction still promises to remain true to the text. "We're keeping the text in tact" says William. "A lot of the play's emphasis is on puns where Shakespeare uses the language as a tool or a weapon and the jokes go hand in hand with the language. However,most of the jokes are based on sixteenth and seventeenth century matters so sometimes the words don't always make a lot of sense. This is where originality can enter as we need to interpret the words in the performance ." On producing for the first time , William joked "it's like having a very heavy relationship. One minute you're deeply in love. the

next minute you hate the other person. it's really become my life at the moment.· The cast of"All's Well That Ends Well" is described as "a dynamic combinationof Drama Soc Veterans and gifted newcomers.· Anita Frank, who plays the heroine Helena, appeared in "The Importance Of Being Earnest", while the other two male leads, Damon Roddis and Leo Hollis, are amongst those making their acting debut at UEA. "All's Well That Ends Well" will appear in Lecture Theatre One on February 28, March 1 & March 2.

• After months of preparation Lit Soc is about to daule you with an outstanding array of events ranging from the shamelessly hedonistic to the culturally spectacular." So promise the committee members of the Literary Society. Their intention is to establish a society to run as an alternative to the more traditional, commercial literary ventures organized within the university, and to try and live up to the supposed reputation of EAS as a modern and innovative institution. The Literary Society is perhaps the only available medium for the students of UEA to present their work by means of a weekly meeting which consists of readings of work followed by constructive discussion. These workshops provide a relaxing and intimate environment in which to formulate ideas about writing and criticism. And with the launch of Lit Sac's fifth issue of ' Not-Not'- the liter-

further opportunity for bringing material to the attention of the public eye. Submissions for this publication are still being accepted in the Lit Soc/Not-Not pigeon hole in Union House. To celebrate the new magazine, the Literary Society is planning an extravaganza for Friday of Week 8 in the Bill Wilson room, promising music from a UEA band, value for money beverages and free champagne a firework display in the square -all this on top of the usual high quality readings from members. Other events organised by Lit Soc for this term include a number of party-come-workshops. And look out for next term's series of guest readings featuring such names as Ken Smith, Lee Harwood, Rob Sheppard and Kelvin Corcoran ( names and dates to be confirmed.) The next meeting of the Literary Society will be held on Monday of Week 7. Meet in the back bar at 8.00pm for an escort to a secret location. For more information contact the Lit Soc pigeon hole.

Review of.Glengarry Glen Ross by Paul Grainge -

With a minefield of potential difficulties, the Minotaur Theatre Company's production of Mamel's 'Glengarry Glen Ross' proved rtself an eloquent example of how to negotiate hostile theatrical terrain. Whilst the ambitious size of the staging meant that the audience could be nothing but engaged with the acting, the acting was convincing enough to let Mamet's infectious power fill every reach of the Sewell Barn.


Although credit must be handed to a large cast of silent extras who kept the eye constantly entertained, the success of the production must be acknowledged to the play's speaking characters; executing their roles with such passion that any echoes of AI Pacino or Jack Lemmon (as seen 1n the cinematic version) were swiftly and consummately buried Mamet's fast-paced dialogue would be problem enough for any


cast. That convincing American accents were required on top of this should have caused dramatic nightmares for each of Minotaur's speaking performers. In fact, not a single English intonation could be heard throughout the production and this is perhaps emblematic of the obvious hard work and enthusiasm that went into making Minotaur's latest production an unequivocal success.




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