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WE ARE ART Performing Arts Comox Valley


THE COMOX VALLEY is home to many talented community-based performing arts organizations that have shared members, schedules, and equipment informally for many years. In late 2022, a few of the leaders of these groups resolved to make their casual connections more intentional and formed Performing Arts Comox Valley (PACV).


Since that first meeting, they have organized as a board, created a website with a performing arts calendar, and have brought a dozen organizations to their collaboration. Altogether, PACV represents hundreds of active members, whether through choral, bands, symphony, dance, or theatre.

Kelly Finlayson (Celebration Singers Community Choirs) and Howard Robertson (Comox Valley Concert Band) are co-chairs of this exciting initiative. PACV Treasurer is Greg Cousineau (Quarantones). Secretary Mary Gray (North Island Choral Society, Grace Notes) describes the initiative generated by the recognition that each group exists within a much larger milieu, where all gain from working together, supporting, and promoting each other. performingartscomoxvalley.ca

Caroline Lenardon (PACV board member, Strathcona Symphony Orchestra, North Island Choral Society) highlights that the shared calendar at performingartscomoxvalley.ca/events/ prevents overlapping performances, for the benefit of both audiences and the performing artists, who often belong to multiple groups with a useful one-stop entertainment planning source.

Working to encourage and support community performing arts for all cultural traditions, they pool resources, energy, and enthusiasm within a formal structure. PACV offers many benefits for organizations: nominal fees, access to the calendar for planning, listing, and promoting events, as well as streamlined organizational support for sharing volunteers and equipment.