3 minute read

Michelle Rowland

I am available to help with a range of Federal matters, including:

• Aged Care & Pensions • Centrelink • Immigration • Medicare • National Disability Insurance Scheme • Taxation & Superannuation

How's your mobile phone coverage?

Michelle Rowland MP


Level 1, Suite 101C, 130 Main Street, Blacktown PO Box 8525, Blacktown NSW 2148 (02) 9671 4780 Michelle.Rowland.MP@aph.gov.au MRowlandMP www.michellerowland.com.au

PANDEMIC: It didn’t need to come to this


AT the time of writing this column, Greater Sydney – and indeed, parts of Brisbane, Darwin and Perth – are in lockdown.

While it is important all Australians follow the best health advice by social distancing and maintaining high levels of personal hygiene, it didn’t need to come to this.

For almost 18 months, Australians have been patient as we grapple with the pandemic.

This time last year, many parts of Australia seemed to be returning to normality.

With the States bearing the brunt of the pandemic response, Scott Morrison had two jobs: the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine, and the construction of national quarantine facilities in every State and Territory.

We know that the best weapon against COVID is the vaccine. But Scott Morrison’s failure to secure adequate supply, his over-reliance on a single vaccine and the sluggish rollout has exposed Australians to the outbreaks we are now seeing across the country.

So too has the Federal Government’s refusal to deliver purpose-built national quarantine, as is its constitutional responsibility.

The fact the Prime Minister seems happy to do so now, after months of refusing to act, will no doubt be viewed with a fair degree of cynicism.

The Prime Minister should stop gaslighting the nation and get on with fi xing the mess of his own creation. He should stop shifting the blame and attacking the States when it suits his political objectives.

We need national leadership, and Australians are now realising that Scott Morrison isn’t up to the job.

How’s your mobile coverage?

Working and learning from home is the new normal – and this means that quality mobile coverage is even more essential for our quality of life.

That’s why I’m conducting a local Mobile Coverage Survey.

This will help to build the case for mobile providers to address poor reception in our area, by compiling case studies to demonstrate the impact patchy coverage is having on families and small businesses.

To have your say, please send an email to Michelle.Rowland.MP@aph.gov.au or call my offi ce on 9671 4780.

By helping to identify poor mobile reception in our area, we can help ensure local residents can enjoy improved mobile coverage for their work and lifestyle needs.

Always available to help

My team and I are always available to help with any local or Federal matters.

While my offi ce remains physically closed for the duration of the NSW Government’s Public Health Order, please be assured my team and I are working remotely and are contactable by email or over the phone.

I have also been making phone calls to local residents who are older or may be more vulnerable during this time, to see if they need assistance. If you know of anyone who might be in particular need during this lockdown, please let me know and I will try to help where I can.