5 minute read

My Gift


Offered up on a silver platter

Supporting this platter


A pedestal.

Hand crafted and held together by the pieces of my heart


A diamond rested upon the platter


A constant flow, As pure as the silver

As high as the pedestal

As strong as the diamond

As I pour my soul into the creation of this gift

As I forge this platter using inspiration as the flames

As I climb the pedestal to give more of my heart

As I place the diamond to cement my standing in his well being

Shrouded in confusion and anger

He sets it to flames, incinerating the gift

He pours water over my workspace, steaming the platter

He orchestrates it’s downfall, knocking the pedestal

He fears the diamond, tarnishing it’s shine

As I sit back and see my work is futile

All that I stand for torn to shreds

I take a deep breath

Remembering my purpose

I again provide




Connections are important to make It isn’t always easy, But it will be for your own sake

Someone always on your side A person to talk to, That can help be your guide You can always reach out Whenever you’re in doubt!

~ Rachel Feigenbaum

The sirens rang, becoming increasingly louder. She knew she had to hide, but she couldn’t.As if she had just succumbed to a wave of paralysis, Maria remained hopelessly still.They would find her, just like they did her mother.

They banged on the door; she did not answer. She knew they would barge in anyway, intrude into every aspect of her life without her consent.

Maria peeked out towards the sliver of light at the end of the closet door, and she could see them, their black leather boots and hear muffled voices over their walkies.As the sound of their boots became louder, Maria fell deeper beneath the coats. She worried they would hear her excessive breathing, and racing heart, but then they left.

Maria assumed this was a trap, a ploy to lure her out of hiding. She sat in the closet for hours, as still as she had been when she had first heard the sirens, careful to ensure she would not be detected. But as hours passed in absolute silence, Maria emerged from her shelter, and positioned herself cautiously on the sofa. She glanced outside and witnessed children playing in their front yards, their mother beside them gossipping.

It was as if the whole intrusion was a bad nightmare, an event that solely existed in her mind, and nowhere else, which it kind of did.

Then, she walked upstairs. She walked into her bedroom, sat down on her bed, breathing a sigh of relief.The latch had not been opened. Exhausted from the day’s events, the moment Maria had contacted the pillow, she was fast asleep. Nothing could possibly awaken her.

She would not arise until ten the following morning. Per usual, she brewed a pot of coffee, lied down to enjoy the news, but was startled by another knock at the door. She peeked through a crack in her curtains, to find her best friend, Susan, waiting outside. She hauled the door open and embraced her companion.Then, Maria’s attention would shift to her miniscule porch, occupied by two large, brightly colored suitcases, followed by her friend's request to stay awhile. Maria reluctantly agreed, because she wanted to help her friend, but at the same time she did not want to endanger her.

Susan became comfortable, and Maria became her butler, catering to each and every one of her needs. Maria was caring because she wanted Susan to feel welcomed, but she also wanted to ensure Susan would not overstay her welcome, and begin aimlessly wandering around the house, like she had done during previous visits.

Since they were young children, Susan was fueled by her curiosity which often led her to make controversial decisions, and ultimately her lack of stability.As Maria had settled into a small cottage in the countryside, Susan moved across the United States, and even spent some time in Europe. Despite the secure life she had created, Maria envied her companion, who had the ability to travel and be free, unburdened by the past.

The two friends had spent the entirety of the night conversing, informing each other of the fascinating occurrences in their life. Susan had found a boyfriend, and dreamt of the romantic, although unrealistic life they could potentially share, and was now overloading Maria with details of their starstruck relationship. Bored by Susan’s obsession over his newfound love and updates on her recent travels, Maria fell asleep on the couch, with Susan watching over her.

Although Maria was at peace, embracing the comfort of her cushiony couch, Susan had completed the first step, to her meticulously devised plan, by luring Maria to unconsciousness. Susan then proceeded to Maria’s bedroom, opening the latch Maria had ensured was secure earlier in the morning.After opening the latch, Susan was slightly startled, although she had been informed in significant detail of what to expect, the realization that her best friend was an agent working against the government was still disheartening.

They had been long-time friends, but now their relationship was severed by their betrayal of one another. Susan had been repeatedly lied to for over thirty six years, but once acquiring the truth, she would deceive Maria into believing their relationship was indestructible, while simultaneously feeding information to the authorities. Now the only thing that remained indestructible was the bars of Maria’s prison cell.

~ Jadyn Schoenberg

Relationships. Such a broad term that could be interpreted in so many different ways. The thing is, even if we may not see it all the time there are relationships everywhere. There was a time in my life where I believed there was nobody who cared, nobody who heard, and nobody who even bothered to listen. I was overcome with sadness until I came to the realization that I am not alone.

Whether it’s the unconditional love that I’ve always received from my family, or the people at school who stop and say hello, happiness is all around. I started telling myself that I am good enough for others and this is when my life truly turned a corner. I became closer than ever with my friends and became more aware of who the true ones really are. Anyone who wasn’t fulfilling my happiness was not someone I was willing to waste my time on. It became clear to me that once I was sure of myself and not just focusing on the people around me, I would reach my full potential.

All of these challenges that I as well and many others face, shape who we are as human beings and who we may become. As long as we are willing to tackle these challenges head on there is nothing that can stop us. Just always remember that you are not alone and don’t let anything ruin your confidence. Once you learn to be happy with who you are, the right people will come to you. My best piece of advice is not to chase but to attract. When you are the one attracting, that is when you know the right people are walking into your life.

~ Emily Franzen