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Iglesia de San Antonio/ Tiffany Catholic Church

Listed: 2019



Threat: Deterioration

Closest Town to Resource: Allison

Significance: This small church is one of the few remaining historic churches that conveys the story of Hispano history in southeastern La Plata County near the border with New Mexico. It is the only remaining building in the former town of Tiffany that conveys the important Hispano history of the town site. The church's completion in 1928 reflected the importance of religious and other services to the local community. The church's interior is beautiful, with an altar that extends across the width of the church containing all the original altar items, including the collection box, the original cross that is carried into the church at the beginning of mass, and all original brass candle holders.

Site Needs: Exterior rehabilitation and interior wall stabilization.

Site Updates: An SHF grant for structural analysis and construction documents for full rehabilitation has been completed, with a plan to phase the project, beginning with the foundation and flooring. Another grant will be applied for in 2022.

Hanging Flume

Listed: 1999

Constructed: 1891

Threat: Natural Elements

Closest Town to Resource: Uravan

Significance: The Hanging Flume illustrates the ingenuity and fortitude of miners intent on extracting gold from the land. There are few remaining segments of hanging flumes throughout the western United States, and as a result of this SAVE! It is the only segment preserved for public education and appreciation. The Hanging Flume is a relic of hydraulic mining, an engineered structure on an incline that conveyed water. Between 1889 and 1891, the flume was constructed with 1.8 million feet of lumber, hanging 100-150 feet above Dolores River, and was used to convey eight million gallons of water per day to placer gold deposits. Due to the flume’s significance, it was placed on the National Register of Historic Places. When first listed on the Endangered Places list, what remained of the chute was showing signs of extreme deterioration from natural weathering and roadside operations along Highway 141 above the canyon. Colorado Preservation, Inc. worked with the Western Colorado Interpretive Association and contracted with Anthony & Associates, Inc. to complete a Historic Structure Assessment in 2003 after supporters secured a grant. By 2004, additional funding was acquired to document the history and condition of the flume. This phase also led to the developing of a master plan to preserve and interpret the flume that integrated the river, trails, and scenic byways. Vertical Access, professional climbers who ordinarily work on buildings for preservation assessments, rappelled down the canyon walls to help consultants analyze the site. The Hanging Flume was chosen to make the 2006 World Monuments Watch list. This listing opened the possibility of broader exposure and funding sources, which led to the site being saved.