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“We have another monthly show called ‘Youth on Rewind,’ which is a segment-based show and the tagline podcast amplifying young people’s voices, stories and ideas,” Ladon said.

Ladon said the podcast features segments produced by interns, peer navigators and fellows, covering whatever interests them.

“Our third show is called ‘Underground of the Showcase’ as the official podcast of the underground music showcase, which Youth and Record helps put on.”

The podcast is hosted and produced by youth interns from 16 to 24 years old.

Ladon said his love for the application of podcast work expanded beyond media production or journalism.

“It gets to the root of socialemotional learning and developing yourself because you’re learning to exercise your voice and get to practice hearing your voice, which is not something we’re all comfortable with,” Ladon said.

Mobile Studio

Oren Bregman, executive director of the Mobile Studio nonprofit music outreach program has partnered with Youth on Record.

Bregman’s program brings the mobile studio to Denver, Green Valley and Montebello pathway schools in Aurora.

“We focused on singing, rapping, and poetry so we bring our equipment and expertise so students can create music to express themselves and share it online with their family and friends,” Bregman said.

Bregman said Youth on Records helped Mobile Studio get their first grant and gave them some instruments.

“We are happy to be part of the family,” Bregman said.

Witt said the young people the programs serve are incredibly talented. “It blows me away to see the ways that they’re able to cultivate their skills, and it’s inspiring to watch and build strong mentorship relationships with our staff and to feel connected to a sense of community through our programs,” she said.

For more information about Youth on Record, visit youthonrecord.org or call 303993-5226.