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Charles Barkley visits Arvada golf course for commercial shoot

Sta manager lives out childhood dream as Barkley’s guide, caddie


Golfers might see the occasional pro at the West Woods Golf Club in Arvada, but they’re not usually of the basketball variety. But addeus Wodark, a sta manager at the club, recently got a chance to meet one, and it happened to be his favorite athlete ever.

“I actually developed a friendship with my childhood idol,” Wodark said. “It’s still surreal to even talk about.” at idol was, and is, former NBA star Charles Barkley, who on the course exchanged phone numbers with Wodark and, weeks later, even texted him congratulations when he got married. Barkley is simply “Chuck” to many of his fans, but Wodark can really claim a rstname basis now.

“Chuck was in his prime when I was young, and he was my favorite basketball player,” Wodark said. “So much so, to the e ect that I had a guinea pig named Barkley. I mean, he was everything to me.” e 1993 MVP and television personality also took time to meet with fans, signing autographs and stopping for photos throughout the day.

It all happened last month when Barkley was in town to shoot a commercial for Microsoft Bing. Afterwards, Barkley took to the Cottonwood and Sleeping Indian courses at the club for 18 holes, with Wodark as a sort of course chau eur.

Wodark, 38, wasn’t just with Barkley. Also in the group was former NBA player Grant Hill and former football player and sportscaster Ahmad Rashad for the round at West Woods. Growing up idolizing Barkley for years, Wodark said he was as authentic as he appears on television.

“He couldn’t have been any better of a person. He couldn’t have been more real or more gracious. He was thanking me for my admiration towards him,” Wodark said. “It was an experience I will cherish for the rest of my life. It’s like I hit the lottery.” e commercial shows Barkley in his usual self-deprecating and humorous way tapping into articial intelligence for help with his golf game. To view the full commercial, search “Charles Barkley Uses AI-Powered Search to Improve Golf Game” on Youtube.

Wodark and I sat down for a deeper Q&A about his experience that day.

Q. You said Charles was your favorite player growing up?

When he got traded to the Phoenix Suns, my parents bought me all the decor for my whole room. I had one of those fake, plastic, Phoenix Suns lockers in the corner of my room, and it had Barkley’s name on it.

Q. Was meeting him everything you hoped it would be?

To get to meet him and share the better part of a day with him, was honestly one of the top three experiences of my life. I can’t even explain to you how profound it was. It was an experience for me that I will cherish for the rest of my life.

Q. What was your role in the event that day?

I essentially kind of chau eured them around our 18-hole course because you can kind of get lost on our course. It’s not very self-explanatory getting to the next hole, if you will. So I was there as kind of a liaison just to make sure they were getting around and getting their golf in and having a good time. ey were pretty much using me as a caddie, and it just couldn’t have been any better.

Q. How was Charles with the crowd and the community?

People were ocking out of their backyards and yelling, ‘Chuck! Charles! Hey!’ And he would say, ‘Okay, hang on a second.’ He did his shot, and then he would take his golf cart over to them, greet them, take a picture, or whatever, and then carry on his way. He did not deny a single person interaction. It’s just him. It’s unapologetic. He is who he is. He’s gracious for his spotlight and his fame and his fans. He gets it.

Q. As a basketball fan, having Grant Hill there too, what a bonus! It was just such an added bonus. Grant couldn’t have been any better either. When I was in elementary school, I’m not joking you, I wore an NBA basketball player’s jersey to school every day. I had Grant Hill’s Detroit Pistons jersey that was reversible, back when they had the teal green with the Piston on it. I told him about it, and he was like, ‘ at’s awesome.’ Halfway through the round, Grant was like, ‘I have