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4D Pillars

Four Dimensions. Endless Opportunities.

At the University of Denver, your student receives an exceptional education in the classroom—and beyond. They learn and discover at our urban campus in the heart of Denver, supported by world-class faculty and a network of mentors and advisors. At our James C. Kennedy Mountain Campus, your student will immerse themself in nature, connect with peers, and explore new ideas in an inspiring context.

At DU, your student receives a multi-dimensional, adventure-driven education that prepares them to make a difference and thrive in a dynamic world.

We call it the 4D Experience.

The Four Dimensions

Advancing Intellectual Growth

Deepen your understanding of the world in and out of the classroom. Work alongside faculty conducting research that improves the world. And enjoy mentorship made possible by a low faculty-student ratio.

Promoting Well-being

Learn how wellness supports all your goals by exploring well-being from a big-picture perspective. Achieve social, emotional, physical, spiritual, and financial wellness and develop meaningful connections to others.

Exploring Character

Ask and answer important questions about who you are, what you value, who you want to be, and your effect on your communities. Use this knowledge to envision—and then build—your future.

Pursuing Careers & Lives of Purpose

Receive mentorship at our Burwell Center for Career Achievement. Connect with a global network of alumni working in fields you’re passionate about. And learn how to connect the dots between your learning and where you want to go.