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Dental Lab Technology: All You Need to Know

Dental lab technology is a department in dentistry where the dental apparatus is designed and fabricated. Beyond the manufacturing of dental prostheses, bridges and crowns, it is the combination of art, science and technology.

A dentist consults the patient and suggests necessary treatment such as restoring, replacing or the use other dental devices. Here comes the requirement of dental lab technology or a dental technician. The dental lab technician assists the dentist in suggesting the appropriate dental devices and their design, material etc. Dental lab technology is the technical part of dentistry and dental lab technicians work to provide the best solutions for dental problems.


What are the products manufactured by dental technology?


*Crown and bridge


*Partial dentures



Some of the dental technologies

Whatever the field is, the technologies are improving and upgrading each and every day which bring advanced and more effective solutions. In dental technology also, a number of advanced technologies are available to detect the cause and provide perfect solutions. Some of them are:

1. CAD/CAM Technology: Computer-assisted design or computerassisted manufacture is the major technology used in the manufacturing of dental restorations such as crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays and porcelain veneers.

2. Dental X-rays: Dental images can be taken with dental X-rays and screened on a computer using a sensor. Dental X-ray is safer than traditional X-ray because of lower exposure to radiation.

3. Lasers: For the treatment of benign tumors, cold sores, crown lengthening, decay removal, gummy smile changes, dental fillings, tongue tie, etc., lasers decrease the discomfort and in some instances, they act as a suture-free alternative.

4. Optical scanner: It helps to provide a 3D digital map of dental structure. This 3D map gives accurate details of colour analysis which is very important in the production of cosmetic restorations.

5. The Wand:The Wand is a computerized gadget that can administer anaesthesia gradually and methodically. The slow and gentle transmission of the anaesthesia through the wand makes the procedure easier and painless.

Dental Technology is a vast and diverse area with lots of job opportunities. It is a highly demanded and recommended field worldwide with good payoff. Cochin Dental Institute is the top dental institute in Ernakulam providing the finest coaching for dental lab technician and dental technology for years. With the perfect blend of theory and practice we produce outstanding results each year. Our courses are B.S.S. accredited. We have hired a faculty of well-versed professionals and the labs are filled with the most modern machinery. Join the best dental college in Kerala and pave the way to a bright future.