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Freak on the Beach

Marco Pompano

Capt. Jamie Thrappas Yellow Dawg Fishing yellowdawgfishing.com

Capt. Barry fishingguidedaytonabeach.com

Capt. Michael Savedow 386-689-3781

Cap. Evan Sanders solfishing.com

It’s just one of those days: Good vibrations, little wind, no current. I just got back from Guatemala last night. I couldn’t wait to set up this morning - on the beach, surf fishing. Some people say the water is too cold, the fish went South. But my rod started to Bamba full tilt with a big stud Pompano. A big bend, it took some line, ran, and then flopped up on the beach! 18 inches to the tail (on crab knuckles).

A quality fish, what a way to start the day!

The good news is how green and clear the water is. There hasn’t been a lot of current, and the ocean is back to its form, providing us with some great fishing days. The cooler weather is upon us, but the water is staying warmish, 60° to 65°.

Getting three beautiful stud pompanos a day is a great way to go through the end of this run.

It’s cold and windy today. I have my legs wrapped up in a thick old towel (like grandma) trying to stay out of the wind. It’s a late season this year, probably due to the hurricanes, Nicole and Ian. There are still no beach ramps being worked on in our area, and only two access points: the ramp on Toronita and a beach ramp by Jerry’s Pizza down in Ponce - and that’s it.

The storms have really devastated our area and there’s a race on to get the sea walls put back up before more Nor’Easters or hurricanes hit this area. Lots of trucks, plows, cranes, back hoes and earth moving equipment run up and down the beach. You have to keep totally aware of what’s going on.

It’s now the next day. It’s very windy, still. Right now, it’s morning and I’m out here. It’s a beautiful windy day. The wind is from the northwest and the ocean is flattening, but moving. I’m hugging a wall, sitting in front, in the sun. Ya, mon!

Well, now the rod just did a bomba. It didn’t take, so I’ll cast it back in the same spot. Ya, mon! It hit! A nice run and a good catch: pompano.

I’m heading home from the edge of the ocean, and start over again, just like Stick Figure says. These fish are heading to the smoker and so am I.

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