3 minute read


Kayak fishing sure has become one of the most popular ways to catch fish! It is definitely a great way to get fresh air and enjoy the outdoors, and hey get a little exercise too. As well as a way for Angler’s to avoid the hassle at busy boat ramps. What’s a kayak it gives us a freedom to launch on small canals and creeks down little roads off the beaten path, where we are unlikely to encounter any traffic if at all.

Pssssh the fish don’t care or can see what color your kayak is. So if you want lime green or pink go for it or bright colors to express you while you live your passion and enjoy the outdoors go for it! It also allows boaters to see you from a far keeping you safe especially while there are motors buzzing around and also keeps other kayakers from inadvertently blowing up your fishing spot. And let’s face it brighter colors make for a better and more vibrant fish photo.


Yeah fishing is all about the adventure being in tune with nature and the ability to scout and find new honey holes. Fishing for my kayak has its bonuses, such as getting back into those skinny waters, Skimming inches deep across grassy flats, marshes and paths through creeks and canals. What a kayak the passion and the will to, it can take you places that even flats boats can only dream of.

The Right Kayak

Finding the right kayaked it fits your fishing knees does take a little research. Would you prefer a sit on or sit in kayak.? What is suitable for your size? Would you like a kayak that you can stand on and fish? These are the questions that go on and on you need to ask yourself before making a purchase.

I recommend putting in the work and doing your research as much as possible. Watching YouTube videos is a great start Reading reviews and getting insight from other Anglers who fish the way that you intend to and target the species you would like to catch.

I prefer a sit in kayak and allows me to sit higher giving me better visibility amd a quicker reaction rated while sitting to to cast and or rest or while on the move. With your deck on your sit on kayak I find it a lot more stable and easier to stand up while site fishing.

For paddling and peddling long distances Having a longer narrow kayak helps with tracking straight as well as faster when traveling across large bodies of water. Of course You’ll have to give or take that being said giving up a little bit of stability with a more narrow fast track and kayak. However is worth it if you plan to cover lots of water and enjoy traveling and the journey.

I myself have a pelican 130 HD hydryve With a paddle drive system. It gives me the ability to cross large bodies of water and rivers with depth. And within seconds I can easily pull the plug the dryve system back in. Example when I’m fishing the flats I’m able to pull the system and 99% of the time I am paddling or polling rather than peddling due to being in inch deep water.

My pelican has amazing tracking, lightweight and has a wide deck with the space and stability to stand and sight cast my catch.

As I understand it, many anglers believe we need to blend with nature in their vessel with earth tones such as greens tans brown camouflage neutrals.

To save time and for safety while on the water you can use a piece of styrofoam or a quarter piece of pool noodle to hook your choice of lures on for switching baits and saves you time while the fish are blowing up as well preventing me from hooking myself and having to go into dry storage to get to my tackle box. While fishing skinny water and chasing Reds on the flats. A push pole can be your best accessory for maneuvering through the shallows and keeping your stealthy when stalking your catch.

I find a paddle holder can be your best friend while polling it not only keeps your paddle in place but also pairs with your push pole allowing you to stake out your vessel. This is very useful for anglers as myself who enjoy getting out of the kayak to wade.

There are plenty of accessories out there to make your kayak fishing experience much easier so you can stay productive! Starting with basic. An anchor, I prefer a yak floating stick to steak.

Being sure your kayak is equipped with rod holders and a storage system for tackle and tools. Your paddle is prop ably your most important accessory being sure you have the proper shaft length for the width and length of your kayak. I purchase my accessories from yak gear and railblaza. Also if you are a live bait fisherman, I find using a small cooler instead of a bait buck maintains your water temperature keeping your bait alive longer making you one happy fisherman!


Follow her social media: @Brassyangler87