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The CRB Core Hand Wrapper was specifically designed to help anglers build a foundation in rod building. Created from a durable ABS polymer, this hand wrapper features a compact footprint to allow builders with limited space a stable platform to build or repair their rods. The underside features molded rubber feet that maintain solid contact on a variety of surfaces. Whether building in your workshop or on the go, this wrapper keeps you grounded.

The Core Hand Wrapper features a single spool thread carriage with tension rod that allows the builder to craft smooth, clean, tight thread wraps throughout the rod build. The Core also provides rod builders with the option to reverse their wraps without losing tension on the thread.

Finally, just as the base has two adjustable rod support stands, CRB provides a third stand— separate from the base. This helps the builder support the rod as you move down the blank, from guide to guide. Think of it as an extra hand!

By engineering these key features into the Core Hand Wrapper, CRB has created a unique and affordable rod building platform, perfect for new builders and custom builders on-the-go.

The versatile CRB Core Wrapper can be fine-tuned by custom rod builders to match their unique requirements and is highly recommended for all ages, whether you are a beginner or a pro!
