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Contributed By Capt. Wayne Moore USCG www.oconeeonthefly.com

It’s hard to believe that five years ago, I had my first customer here on Lake Oconee. So many other guides have helped me along the way. I can’t name them all here, but without a few, this dream never would have happened: henrycowenflyfishing.com) If you listen to O’Neill Williams’ radio show, O’Neill Outside, you will hear O’Neill’s wife, Gail, refer to Henry as “Our beloved Henry.” He is quite simply the nicest guy in the business. He encouraged me, taught me all about freshwater striper fishing, and set an example for me to follow. The biggest lesson from Henry…. Always advise your customers if you think it’s going to be a bad day and let them decide if they want to reschedule.

Doug Nelms (https://bigfishheads.com/) – Doug has helped so many of us. He’s been here on Lake Oconee for over 20 years and rather than discourage more competition from us newbies, he’s always helped. I met him about opening a guide service and he said, “We all have to learn somewhere.” The biggest lesson from Doug…. On occasion you may have a conflict with another angler (your trolling lines crossing his, boat ramp etiquette). He said, always be polite, yield, and don’t respond in anger.

Henry Cowen - (https://www.

Jody Stephens (https://crappiedaze.com/) Jody has been guiding on Lake Oconee for over 10 years. He can troll a jig ¼ inch over submerged trees! All the guides here listen to Jody and especially his advice on equipment and rigging. The biggest lesson from Jody… Know the depth your jig is