1 minute read

Memorial Day Leftovers! Quick, Easy and delicious!

donna hodge food Editor

now that Summer has officially arrived and weekends mean and bathing your tastebuds with “real barbecue chicken”, actually grilled on your barbecue pit and not in the oven, you probably have some leftovers in the refrigerator, and you are ready for something else. With the warm temperatures finally here, no one wants to be in a hot kitchen. So, let’s repurpose that chicken into a quick and delicious Chicken Salad. Using what I had in the refrigerator, I pulled this together in no time, so I wouldn’t have to be in a hot kitchen. Most likely you already have the other ingredients in the vegetable bin. Just use what you have and what you like. There are many debates about what should go into Chicken Salad, some say apples, and others say grapes. The key is to add what you like! If you like nuts, use


Ahwhat you have or vary them by swapping the almonds for pecans or walnuts. If you want to add kernel corn, just make sure you drain the corn before adding it. If you prefer it creamier, substitute the mayonnaise for Greek yogurt. There are no hard and fast rules that you have to add those items. Aside from the ingredients listed below, you have a few options to play with when it comes to texture and flavor.

Leftover BBQ Chicken Salad

2 cups grilled chicken, diced. Remove skin.

2 stalks of celery, diced

2 tablespoons finely chopped red onion

½ cup sweet onion such as Vidalia, finely diced 2-3 mini bell peppers, finely diced


1 cup of mayonnaise

2-3 tablespoons sour cream (you want it sweeter, substitute Miracle Whip)

1 teaspoon low sodium all-purpose seasoning

1 wteaspoon sugar (sugar substitute, Stevia, agave nectar or honey)


Using a cutting board, chop and prepare the chicken, celery, onions, and bell peppers. Place in a large mixing bowl. In a separate bowl, combine mayonnaise, sour cream, and seasonings. If you add Miracle Whip, you may not need to add any sweetener. Taste as you go along and adjust as needed.

Serve it over lettuce, with deviled eggs or make it a sandwich. Just have fun with it!

Serves 4

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