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WHiTE Supremacy is . . .

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Vol. 1 No 30

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Chicago News Weekly is published weekly on Wednesday. www.cnwmedia.com advertising@cnwmedia.com editorial@cnwmedia.com

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Ifyou think it’s a joke, plan on being shocked. If you are insightful and recognize that ‘white supremacy’ is alive and well, then you are awake . . . if you are enlightened then you know that it is afoot in all areas and aspects of our lives seeking to dominate, oppress and rule America and the world. So, White supremacy defined, is the belief that white people are superior to everyone, not white and thus should dominate them. The belief supports the preservation and protection of any power and privilege held by white people. White supremacy has roots in the now-discredited doctrine of scientific racism and was a key justification for European colonialism. To better understand and know that scientific racism/pseudo-scientific, is often referred to as biological racism, and is the belief that empirical evidence exists to support or justify racism (racial discrimination), racial inferiority, or racial superiority. It’s important that you get this so that you better understand what is going on around us. Unfortunately, this writing is not extremist nor an exaggeration of what is amidst us right now. White supremacy is invasive in our economic, social, political, educational, entertainment, labor, law, sex, and war aspects of our lives. We are experiencing the effects daily. Unfortunately, this writing is not extremist nor an exaggeration of what is admist us right now. White supremacy was implied in the Constitution but never stated because the writers never envisioned Blacks or others as their equal and therefore the language was not inclusive. It does differentiate the Blacks as 3/5th man. We are experiencing it daily. As you observe the laws that protect our freedoms being rolled back you best pay attention. Pay attention. The January 6, 2020 was just a warning.

As a political ideology, it imposes and conserves cultural, social, political, historical, and/or institutional domination by white people and non-white supporters. In the past, this ideology was effectively implemented through socioeconomic and legal structures such as the Atlantic slave trade; Jim Crow laws in the United States from the late 19th and early 20th centuries that enforced racial segregation-“Jim Crow” being a pejorative term for an African-American. Such laws remained in force through the 1960s; the White Australia policies from the 1890s to the mid-1970s, and apartheid in South Africa. This ideology is also today present among neo-Confederates. Is this clear?

Understand, that white supremacy underlies a spectrum of contemporary movements, including white nationalism, white separatism,neo-Nazism, and the Christian Identity movement (outrageous right?). They were oppressed and kept in check just mounting pressure internally within those who dared not expose their true thinking until the right time. In the United States, white supremacy is primarily associated with the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), Aryan Nations, and the White American Resistance movement, all of which are also considered to be antisemitic.

The Proud Boys( this is the group Tump told to ‘stand down,’ in a debate with Presidential Candidate Biden), and the Republican left, despite claiming non-association with white supremacy, have been described in academic contexts as being exactly what they deny they are, based on their rhetoric and actions. In recent years, websites such as Twitter, Reddit,


and Stormfront, and most prominently Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign platform have contributed to an increased activity and interest in white supremacy because he spoke to it in code and they heard him.

In academic usage, particularly in critical race theory, a cross-disciplinary examination or intersectionality of, “white supremacy” can also refer to a social system in which white people enjoy structural advantages (privilege) over other ethnic groups, on both a collective and individual level, despite formal legal equality. You must understand that this information is considered dangerous because it informs youth to think critically using historical, factual, and scientific information to allow them to discern and arrive at their own conclusions. Therefore, the banning and burning of books are very dangerous actions to allow particularly in a democracy that claims, ‘freedom of speech,’ as a cornerstone of its foundation.

In American more than any other place, besides old South Africa, ‘white’ is a racialized classification of people using a skin color clarifier, generally used for people of European ancestry. Race is a categorization of humans based on shared physical or social qualities into groups generally viewed as distinct within a given society.

White supremacy held a dominant grip on the United States both before and after the American Civil War, and it persevered for decades after the Reconstruction Era throughout which, many wealthy White-European land owners owned slaves; they justified their economic exploitation of Black people by creating a “pseudo-scientific” theory of White superiority and Black inferiority, which has been disproven over and over. Future president Thomas Jefferson, was one such slave owner, who wrote in 1785, “Blacks are inferior to the whites in the endowments of body and mind.” This he stated formally as he indulged intimately with his slave girl Sally with whom he fathered many children. This inconsistency is seen throughout America’s history.

Honestly, how is that the white slave owners thought it fine to have Black slave wet nurses to feed their children from their breasts and not comprehend that the mother’s milk was a significant source of food produced in that inferior Black woman’s body?”

That they’re documentation rarely provided insight pertaining to Blacks’ achievements against all the odds is

By Eric Grant CNW Columnist

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