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Pray daily for your journey. At the beginning of each day, spend time in prayer before you continue with daily practices. Ask for grace, guidance, focus, and strength as you start each day. To take things a step further, map or write out prayers for your Lenten or spiritual goals. Identify a spiritual accountability partner or create a spiritual accountability team. Everyone needs someone to help them on this journey called life. Identifying a person or group of people to help you with spiritual goals and or planning ahead for next year’s season of lent will keep you focused, and realistic and help you maintain responsibility for your goals. When making this selection, please be very selective. Everyone is not on the same spiritual page as you are, and may not know how to assist you.

Get rid of distractions that may hinder you from accomplishing your Lenten goals. Distractions can include television, cell phones, certain hobbies and even spending less time with certain people. Take some time and reflect on any people, places, things, hobbies, or ideas that often deter you from working on goals, and then decide on how you will remove yourself from them.


As the sun sets on Lenten Season 2023, take some time to reflect on this year’s journey. Think about what you would do differently, and what you’d keep the same, and then move forward with mindful preparation for next year. The only way you’ll begin to change is to take conscious steps toward making it happen. Happy Easter/Resurrection Sunday everyone!

Liz Lampkin is the “Wright Now Writer.” She creates Faith and Lifestyle articles to give a voice to the unheard. Follow her on social media @Liz_Lampkin.