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tate Rep. Rita Mayfield, D-Waukegan, is aiming to promote reduced recidivism with a measure that would prevent insurance companies operating in Illinois from engaging in discrimination, denying coverage or charging higher premiums to applicants or insured people based on their status as a formerly convicted person.

Mayfield’s House Bill 1068 would prohibit Illinois insurance companies from denying coverage, refusing to renew coverage or charging higher premiums or additional fees based on a person’s status as a convicted felon. The bill was amended after debate in the House Insurance Committee to provide that insurers are allowed to refuse coverage for felons while they are still incarcerated. Mayfield led the bill through committee, where it was approved by a 2-1 margin.


“If we want ex-convicts not to reoffend, then making it harder for them to get back on their feet after prison doesn’t make sense,” Mayfield said. “We say that we want these people to stop committing crimes, get a job and contribute to society, but then we trip them up and sabotage them when they try—and scratch our heads when some of them end up back in the system. That’s why this bill is so important. We really need to take a step back and ask ourselves if our policies match our stated priorities. In this case I don’t think they do, and I’m hopeful that this bill can improve things.”

Mayfield’s office is reachable at 847-599-2800 or 60thdistrict@gmail.com

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