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With slick roads and icy climate, students share how to keep themselves and others safe with winter driving tips

by Paula Ramos design by Ananya Adur


Why do you feel it’s important to drive safely this time of year?

“It’s just so easy to be overconfident because even inexperienced drivers feel like: “Well, I’ve driven a lot and I can handle anything”. That’s good, I want [students] to be confident but you also have to be smart and know what the weather is like and what kind of conditions are out there. Driving is always a dangerous thing to do, and when the weather is getting bad we just need to be extra cautious and extra safe because sometimes things can get out of our control.”

What is your biggest concern with students driving to school in the winter?

“Driving too fast, usually. Folks think, “Oh, I can go as fast as I want; I’m safe”, but we can’t account for other people. My number one is speed but also having other people in the car being distracted. We hear the term distracted driving all the time but it’s literally the number one reason why people get into wrecks.”

Ice Scraper

Phone Charger

What items do you think are necessary or essential to keep in your car?

“Definitely an ice scraper, as simple as that seems. That way [you] can get the windshield and windows cleared. It’s a good idea to have jumper cables because the cold can really zap a battery. There’s nothing worse than being at a function and you walk out and your car is as dead as a doornail. Keep warm items in the car: a blanket; an extra coat; Just in case [you] do get stranded on the roadway, [you] have something to keep warm. Always be aware of the gas gauge. As simple as that sounds, it’s a big deal. If [gas] is running really low, [you] ought to take an extra minute to go get gas. If [you] get stranded on the road and your car runs out of gas, you’ve got a real problem.” Medicine


What advice would you give to new drivers who are inexperienced with this weather?

“I would encourage [students] to talk with their parents about driving conditions and to ask advice before leaving in the morning. Consult the weather; look at the weather app; listen to the warnings. Just be as informed as they can be prior to getting on the road. Take a little bit of extra time and make sure we’re aware of what the conditions are before going out there and making sure our car is safe to drive.”

If you have specific questions or concerns regarding your situation, contact Officers Stevens at stevense@bcsc.k12.in.us or find him in the Dean’s office.