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Master greets crew members from the HMS Dauntless at Clothworkers' Hall.

Master greets crew members from the HMS Dauntless at Clothworkers' Hall.

The Company continues to nurture its relationships with the Scots Guards, HMS Dauntless, 47 Squadron and the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry (FANY). Over the last 12 months, we have enjoyed several reciprocal events and are currently working on a number of interesting initiatives among these affiliations.

Our financial support assists, primarily, with a range of welfare activities for the servicemen and servicewomen, and their families. We also assist with certain salary expenses for the FANY.

Liveryman Owen Turgoose with service men and women from the Scots Guards at Clothworkers' Hall.

Liveryman Owen Turgoose with service men and women from the Scots Guards at Clothworkers' Hall.