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Music Scholarships 11+, 13+ and 16+

Clifton College has a strong musical tradition, and the study of music is an integral part of the curriculum.

We offer pupils a unique opportunity to achieve academic distinction and personal excellence. Each year, we offer a number of Scholarships, Awards and Bursaries to individuals with that spark of potential. Talented musicians are encouraged to apply for a Music Scholarship whatever their instrument.

There are scholarships at 11+ for entry into Year 7, 13+ for entry into Year 9 and at 16+ for entry into Year 12. These scholarships are merit based and competed for via examination, audition or other appropriate assessment.

Previous Music Scholars have gone on to study music at Oxford, Cambridge, Royal Academy of Music, Royal College of Music and other conservatoires; others have been members of award-winning close harmony groups and recorded their own albums.

The Scholarship programme aims to enable pupils to pursue music to as high a level as they wish. Some will look to study music beyond Clifton and aim to go into the music profession, whereas for others it is a wonderful way to relax and achieve something of real value alongside their academic studies. We look to help all musicians individually achieve their goals, whatever they might be.