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Sector E

In addition to the four main subjects studied in the Lower Sixth, many students will then wish to select one or two additional choices from the list of supplementary subjects in Sector E.

The subject choices within Sector E are designed to give Sixth Form students further scope to develop their strengths and interests. Any selections made from Sector E are optional and so, broadly speaking, students are free to make their selection from this sector over and above their normal diet of four main subjects.

We aim to be as flexible as possible within Sector E, and subject to certain timetabling constraints, students may choose more than one option. Students are encouraged to enrich their experience in the Sixth Form by choosing an additional option or options, though care must be taken to ensure that individuals do not over-commit themselves. Students should discuss their Sector E choices with their tutor and Housemaster/mistress to make sure that they have made a realistic selection.

Sector E choices

English as an Additional Language

EAL is offered as a Sector E course which is tailor-made to fit the needs of the students who wish to take it.

Most often it will involve improvement of academic writing skills for those students taking essay writing subjects such as Economics, Psychology or History.

French, Spanish, German, Italian, Russian and Mandarin

If staffing allows, these languages are available for study as Sector E options. They can be studied as a nonexamined subject or to GCSE or A Level depending on the student’s previous experience. Students should contact the Head of Languages if they are interested in studying a language as a Sector E option; early contact is advisable to discuss which language options are possible. For more details of the languages offered see the Modern Foreign Languages section on page 36.


The Performance Certificate LAM qualification is set at undergraduate level and gives a strong award to offer to a university as it prepares a pupil for interview and delivery of a speech or text as well as allowing the student to carry out in-depth study on literature and drama figures throughout the 20th century. See the Drama section on page 68 for more details.

There are also a range of other LAMDA activities available, leading to nationally recognised qualifications, covering skills like public speaking and performing. These lessons take place both on and off timetable, dependent upon demand. See the Head of Drama for more information about this.


Photography is available within Sector E for any student who wishes to learn more about using their camera creatively and to have the opportunity to experience traditional, and experimental, methods of producing photographic images. The course covers camera controls such as aperture, shutter speeds, depth of field and capturing movement but also, and very importantly, composition, lighting and photographic genres.

Students should have their own digital SLR camera for the course. See page 78 for further details on the Photography Department.